Shizuku has the 4 girls eat alot in one siting

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Shizuku had a wide grin on her face, and she was petting Candy on the head like a dog. "S-Shizuku.. Why are you petting me?" Candy asked, everyone was staring at the two in the club room.. Jaiden was wearing, baggier clothing.. "Tomboy you look ugly.." Chizu said, pulling on Jaidens long skirt. "Stop it! I'm wearing this for important reasons!" Jaiden argued back, then Shizuku clapped her hands.

Clap clap clap!

"Hey guys, today we will be taking a break from baking today! Since today's Friday, I'm doing something special! Every Friday I bring in a ton of snacks for you to eat!" Shizuku said, bringing out a few bags full of snacks for the girls. "Huh! Thank you so much Shizuku" Hinata said with a smile, digging out a cola and popping it open. The girls are shrugged and grabbed something. Jaiden grabbed a few chocolate bars, Candy grabbed some marshmallows, and Chizu grabbed a lot of chips..

"Please enjoy!" Shizuku was blushing, looking at the four girls munch on their fatty snacks!

Shizuku POV:
I looked at Candy eating her marshmallows.. I wanted her to be soft like that...

"Candy, you want some more snacks?" Shizuku asked, softly rubbing Candy's thigh.. "U-Umm.. S-sure!?" Candy said, softly letting out a burp.. Shizuku blushed heavily as she pushed some small chocolates into Candy's mouth. Even Candy was blushing a bit, eating the chocolate slowly.

"Open up Chizu~" Jaiden said teasingly to the tired looking girl, Chizu smacked Jaiden's hand away. "Don't touch me.. Freak.." Chizu muttered, snacking on her chips. "Ugh whatever! I'll go sit my Hinata!" Jaiden said out of anger, sitting by Hinata. "Want some chocolate?" Jaiden asked Hinata with a smile. "Of course!" Hinata screamed, opening her mouth. Jaiden slowly fed Hinata with a smile..

Jaiden POV:
I needed a break, so I went to the restroom where I looked in the mirror. I had noticed my face was looking a little chubby, I was sure that I looked fine a few days ago.. My legs felt a little thicker too, squats maybe? No... I lifted up my loose shirt and let out a little gasp.. I think I'm guaranteed fat now. my belly hung over my skirt just a little.. My chest had looked a bit bigger, at least I had some boobs I guess.. But gosh I need to loose this weight fast! But.. Cookies...

"I said you can eat a little more Candy!" Shizuku smiled and poked Candy's face.. "Mphhh~ I'm full!"!Candy squirmed and squealed.. Shizuku was finding this really cute, she wanted to keep teasing this shy girl.. Jaiden then came back with an odd grin on her face.. The other girls payed no kind expect for Shizuku, who noticed that Jaiden's face was definitely a little chunkier! "Hehe.." Shizuku giggled.

Jaiden sat in the corner of the room and covered her face out of pure embarrassment.. Then around a few minutes later, all the girls had finished their snacks.. Hinata's tummy was a little bloated, while Candy had gained some Pudge..

Chizu still looked normal..

"Well, weekend is coming up girls! What would y'all like to do?" Hinata said while rubbing her belly softly. "Pizza... Didn't we agree on that yesterday or something?" Jaiden said with a chuckle. "Right!" Hinata said, patting Jaiden on the head.
Chizu was sitting down playing her mobile games, her eyes darting back and forth across her phone screen. "Pizza.." Chizu licked her lips, still not taking her eyes off her phone screen. "Hehe, well we should meet up tomorrow then!" Shizuku said proudly, softly touching Candy's chin.. "Ahhhh~" Candy let out a little moan, alerting Jaiden and Hinata. Chizu didn't even pay attention to anything that was going on.

Hinata POV:
Tomorrow we would be heading to the pizza place tomorrow! It was more like a buffet full of pizza, so we'd be able to eat all the pizza we want! Yes yes! I couldn't wait! I greeted Satsuki on my way upstairs, and I flopped on my bed.. Ughh I felt so full after eating so many sweets! My belly felt incredibly soft like  a slab of dough.. Ahh it was so fun to play with, wait.. I'm playing with my own belly..

Shizuku and her harem of fattiesWhere stories live. Discover now