Hinata's house and her siblings, the anime girl nerd, and another tomboy!

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Shizuku sat in class, listening to her teachers blah blah blah! She could see Candy a few desks in front of her, she smiled felt the atmosphere around her change a bit. The room felt cold, and a little weird. She didn't know, the wind blew straight through her red hair.

Cling clang!

The sound of the bell had rung, classes were over for the day. She could see Candy get up, and adjust her glasses with ease. "Ah right, time to head to the club room.. Or just the kitchen I guess, bleh-"

She walked down the hallway, other students running and pushing people over. Shizuku entered the kitchen, seeing that Chizu was already here. Chizu still had the same clothes on, and her leggings had holes in them. "You look like a homeless person Chizu, you have to at least buy new clothes." Shizuku said, pointed at Chizu's rugged clothing. "Shut up." Chizu said, rubbing her eyes. "Fine, let's wait for everyone else to come in today!" The red haired shouted.

Candy entered, then Jaiden, then Hinata entered last. "Yahallo!!" Hinata smiled and shut the door behind her. Her breasts bounced as she greeted the other club members. Hinata was a true beauty! Shizuku had every girl placed at a different work area, while she was standing at the front. "Today! We will be making, some cupcakes! Sound good right? I have every ingredient needed! I also have the instructions! So here, let me pass the stuff out!"

In a few minutes, the 4 girls were already making cupcakes while Shizuku watched. Jaiden seemed to be licking the spoon of its batter, ugh.. "Jaiden! This again!? At least bake the cupcakes first!" Jaiden turned her head away and continued to lick the spoon, then she looked at the bowl.. Shizuku caught onto what she was doing.. "Jaiden no! We're baking the cupcakes in the oven!" Shizuku shouted, trying to grab the bowl away.. "Fine! Hmph!" Jaiden grabbed a cupcake tray, and started pouring the batter into each hole. "Ok.. How are you other gals doing?"

Candy seemed to be doing things perfectly, and so did Hinata. Chizu was.. Watching a YouTube tutorial, following what the video was doing.. "Well that's one way Chizu.."

Ding dong!

Around 20 minutes later, all the cupcakes had been finished! "Ok everyone! You can choose what frosting color you want! We have blue, red, green, yellow, and purple!" Shizuku smiled, placing a hand on Candy's shoulder. "S-Shizuku.. What are you doing?" Candy asked with her shy tone of voice. "Oh, just using you as my hand rest!" Shizuku giggled, Candy looked just a little uncomfortable-

"Done.." Chizu showed Shizuku her cup cakes, the frosting was slapped onto the cupcake lazily.. "Err.. We'll done Chizu.." Shizuku mumbled. Hinata had grabbed one of Chizu's cupcakes and stuffed the whole thing into her mouth.. "Mmmphh! To much frosting Chizu!" Hinata said while trying Candy's.. "Candy, yours are perfect!" Hinata said proudly, giving Candy a pay on the back. "T-thank you very much!" She said in return.

"Jaiden.. Yours umm.. They taste alright.." Hinata giggled.. The girls were trying each other's cupcakes, seeing if they were good or not. "Yummy Chizu! The extra frosting makes it s-so sweet!" Candy said with a cute smile, Jaiden was eating batter.. "Normphhh!" The green haired tomboy was stuffing her mouth full of batter..

"Freak of nature.." Chizu said while crossing her arms..  Jaiden turned her head away and let out a "Hmph." Dots of batter dripped on her skirt, the other girls giggled and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Jaiden asked.. "Oh nothing!" Hinata giggled, her breasts bounced around freely.

"Alright guys! Stop laughing at Jaiden, it's time to head home for the day!" Shizuku said with a grin accepts her face. The girls cleaned up, and decided to have a chat for a bit outside the school. Chizu had decided to leave early for some supposed studying.

Shizuku and her harem of fattiesWhere stories live. Discover now