9.When you wear his gang jacket

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*He adored you so much
*He was SUPER clingy
*You guys ended up cuddling all night cause of that
*He eventually told you to keep it forever
Y/N:"Mikey I got stuff to do"
Mikey:"Got my jacket, so where ever you go I go."


*Y'all- This man would pin you to the wall
*Afterwards, he'll let you go but put you in a choke-hold
*'Cause- Y'know- He's a sadist
*Then he would kiss and initiate a make-out session with you
Y/N:"Hanma, why did you put me in a chokehold like this?"
Hanma:"No reason~"


*He would be unspeakably surprise to be honest
*But hanma was there so he teased him about it
Y/N:"I was cold ok!"
Hanma: "Aww, she/he is wearing your jacket~"
Kisaki:-Death glares Hanma-"..."


*His grin becomes even wider
*And let me tell you what
*He would kick anyones ass who dare look at you
*With his jacket on especially
Smiley:-Beating the shit outta someone-
Y/N:"Stop! Your gonna get us kicked out of my favorite store!"


*As usual Smiley would be there-
*He would also tease you guys which causes your bf to cry
*Youvwere about to slap him
*But easily realized he would beat your ass
Angry:-Crying non-stop-
Y/N:-Hugging Angry close and death glaring Smiley-
Smiley:-Still teasing you guys-


*She would pat your head
*And give you the most possible cutest smile ever
*She'd eventually give you a nose bleed
*She would try to wake you up
Senju:"Y/N? Are you ok?"
Y/N:-Mubbling random things-


*He would be giving you compliments here and there
*He's also a gentlemen the whole time
*You would blush everytime he gets to close to your face just wanting to whisper a compliment
*You guys eventually cuddle
Kazutora in Y/N's ear:"Didn't know my jacket looked good on you."
Y/N:-Blushes profusively-

Author's Note: Hello! Hope everyone liked this scenario. I wanna add some more characters instead of scenario's. So let me know if you have any ideas of characters from tokyo revengers please. Thank you all so much for 600+ reads!

(Word Count: 373)

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