7. When you guys tried making-out

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*This childish leader would literally take control during a make-out session
*He starts off gentle
*But if he's getting really into it he'll get rough with the kisses
*He's grabbing your waist as well


*Oh god- Don't even get me started on this motherfucker
*He's starts rough and ends rough
*He's gripping your waist really hard
*Hands are all over you too


*He's shy from the start is what I would say to be honest-
*But as he's getting used to it he'll work his way up in your shirt
*Nothing happens to far though cause y'all aren't ready for that
*You would sometimes help him out along the way so he's learning


*It's smiley we're talking about
*He's smiling while kissing you on the lips and neck
*But that's it
*He'll even chukle a little into the make-out session


*He's s uch a baby, but a sweet one
*He's the most shy out of the group
*So he's definitely gonna have to need lessons
*So you basically take the lead the whole time


*She's happy and excited at the same time
*You guys are holding each others hands
*She's a good kisser to
*You on the other hand are surprise she takes the lead


*This horny fucker-
*He has your hands up against the wall
*He's a rough but good kisser
*You drive him crazy sometimes but he doesn't go far

Authors Note: This is surprising 200+, but hope you enjoy this scenario.

(Word Count: 256)

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