Chapter six: Visiting the Palace

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Strawberry Yogurt was chilling at the house, with no plans in sight for today, but then Parfait walked up to him, "Hey, let's go visit the HollyBerry Palace," he raised an eyebrow, he didn't have anything else to do today, but still, "Why?"

"Oh, well why not, we might as well see the place that we're going to perform at."

"Fine, I'll ready," the two changed into their outfits, both putting on their signature singer looks, "It's been a while since I put on the 'SYC' look on, alright let's go."

the two got into their car and drove to the HollyBerry Palace, Finally, they arrived at the front gate. They got out of their car and approached the front gate. "Man, I feel fancy just looking at this place," suddenly, a dozen of guards came up to them, they looked like they meant business, "Uh oh."

A man with pink hair approached them, "What business do you have here, if you're just trouble makers then we'll have to escort you two away from the palace," Strawberry Yogurt and Parfait looked at each other, "Uhhhh," then, a female voice came from behind the pink-haired man, "Mousse, don't trouble our visitors."

Parfait gave a jolt and froze in place, cheeks getting redder by the second, a woman with raspberry red hair who looked around the same age as Parfait and Strawberry Yogurt appeared from behind the man with pink hair, "OH! Hi, Parfait long time no see!"

"H-hey R-raspberry, it's been a w-while," she said awkwardly, "Parfait, why are you blushing?" asked Strawberry Yogurt.

"It's nothing! It's nothing! it's nothing!" Strawberry Yogurt had never seen his girlfriend so flustered before, "Oh, you must her boyfriend, SYC, it's a pleasure."

"Pleasure to met you too!" Raspberry cookie turned to the Raspberry Mousse, "Mousse, why must you stop our guests, these are singers that are going to perform at the palace," she scolded, "Well, I didn't know that, what if they were intruders, you never know," he scoffed, she sighed, "Hey, is that Rose cookie?"

"WHERE?" Raspberry Mousse turned his head in both directions, Raspberry busted out laughing,  "For a royal guard of the palace, she knows how to joke around, unlike him," Strawberry Yogurt thought, "Can't believe I feel for that," said Mousse, grinding his teeth, "That's what you get for troubling our visitors, cousin."

"Come, you two, I give you a tour, more specifically SYC," said Raspberry, "Wait, why specifically me?" he stared at Parfait, who was still very rosy, "Parfait, what's going on?" Parfait tweedled her thumbs, "Uh, so I never told you that I'm very familiar with the palace, Me and Raspberry are close childhood friends, my parents were invited to the palace when I was young, and Raspberry and I became friends that day, it's been a while since I've seen her though."

"Oh, is that why you're blushing madly, you do seem to be blushing a little too much though."

"Oh, uh I kinda grew a crush on her as well, I feel like I would have totally dated her if it weren't for you, In a good way," she hastily added after witnessing the look on Strawberry Yogurt's face, "WHAT!" Then he took a breath, "I'm not mad, it's just very surprising, how come you never told me?" She thought about it, "I don't know, it must have slipped from my mind."

"Come on you two," Raspberry called, "Coming," the two said in unison, "You know, it's always interesting to find out stuff about you," said Strawberry Yogurt, "Same for you," Parfait smiled. They entered the palace and gawked at the interior, "Woah, this is hella fancy," said Strawberry Yogurt, "Well, we had to spark up the palace, we don't want to look bad to you singers now do we," said Raspberry, "Now come, I'll show you the stage."

The stage, they didn't have a clue what it was going to look like, but when they arrived, it was nothing short of absolutely dazzling, "This is the stage where you singers will perform on," Raspberry told them, "It looks amazing!" exclaimed Parfait.

Suddenly, they heard a high pitched squeal of excitement, in an instant, something attached to Parfait's leg, "OMG, it's you Parfait cookie, I am your biggest fan!" said Princess cookie, "Ay, I'm her biggest fan alright," Strawberry Yogurt said to Princess cookie, Parfait giggled at her boyfriend's comment.

"Knight cookie, can you so kindly get Princess cookie off Parfait cookie's leg," Raspberry called out, Knight cookie ran hastily to them, "Your highness, don't bother our guests please," he sighed, "No," she said stubbornly, "I'll give you an autograph later, alright," Parfait assured Princess cookie, her mood changed instantly.

"Ok, Parfait cookie, come on Knight cookie, help me choose my outfits for the concert!" she said, "But the concert is a week and a half days away, must you be so hasty?" said Knight cookie, "Well, you can never be too early, come on," she grabbed him and started dragging him to her changing room, the look of his face pleaded for help, but the three merely laughed as he was dragged out of sight.

"They're cute together, aren't they," Raspberry said to them, "The princess drives him crazy, but I do think that knight cookie does fancy her." Strawberry chuckled, "Love."

"You know, they remind me of you and me when we were young, Parfait cookie," said Raspberry, "Wait really?" said Parfait cookie, "Yeah, you were always the energetic one, you were the one who usually who would pull me in various situations, both good and bad," Raspberry laughed, so did Strawberry Yogurt, "You don't think she still does that."

"I don't doubt that, hey Parfait, can I talk to you?" Raspberry asked, Parfait, looked at her boyfriend who simply shrugged, Raspberry led into a room, she turned to Parfait, "So, when are you going to marry him?" this took Parfait by surprise, "M-marry, why d-do ask t-that!?" she stuttered, "Oh, well haven't you guys been dating for a year now?" Raspberry asked, "Well yes, you're correct."

"Then, marriage is something I think both of you guys should consider now," Parfait sighed, "I have thought about it for a while actually, but what if something bad happens," Raspberry took her hand, "You two have nothing to worry about, it'll be ok," Raspberry comforted her, "Thanks, Raspberry," Parfait smiled, the two went back to the stage, "What'd you guys talk about?"

"Oh, it's nothing," she said while kissing him, "I'm going to go give Princess cookie her autograph now, wait here," she left Strawberry Yogurt and Raspberry, the two stood there, and then Raspberry spoke, "What do you think of her?" she asked, "I think she's amazing, kind, beautiful and has a great singing voice, the best cookie I could fall in love with," he smiled to himself, Raspberry smiled as well, "Yeah, she's a great person, even back when we were both young."

"You know, she never told me that you two were childhood friends," he said, "Oh, is that so, well it has been a while, so I wouldn't blame her."

"Hey, uh, can you tell me some stories of you two when you guys were young," he asked, "It'd be my pleasure," Raspberry proceeded stories and memories while Strawberry Yogurt listened intently, finally, Parfait cookie appeared, "I'm done, she was jumping all over the place when I gave it to her," she told them, they chuckled, "Were you two talking about something?"

"I was telling SYC some memories of us two," said Raspberry, "Wait, did y-you tell him about-."

"Yep, I had too," Strawberry Yogurt busted out laughing while Parfait blushed madly, Raspberry took a look outside, "It's getting late, you two should get going now," she suggested, The two were escorted out and said goodbyes, they got into their car and drove off, "That was fun," said Strawberry Yogurt, "Yeah, it was," Parfait agreed, "Raspberry was a nice person to talk to, I can see why you like her," Parfait chuckled, "Yeah."

She hasn't told him about what she and Raspberry had talked about, but she figured that she didn't have to, marriage should be easy, she thought.

Finally, they arrived at their house and crashed in for the night.

(A/N: Hello this chapter is me showing my realization of Parfait cookie x Raspberry because when I made the first pink and white, I had no idea this ship existed until after I finished Pink and White and read Raspfait's "Melting" story, which you should give a read, always nice when a new chapter drops, anyways, I just wanted to say that I know Raspfait is a ship, I just had no fucking idea, and we're too far in soooooooooooooo.)

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