Chapter five: Another spark of love?

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Key Lime wakes up, the sun shining in his room, a miserable feeling flows in him, he got up from bed and staggered to the living room, his sister was sitting on the couch, she looks at her brother and noticed the lost, depressed look on his face.

"Hey bro, what's wrong?" She always messes around with her brother in the morning, but she just couldn't ignore her brother's behavior today, "O-oh it's nothing sis," he popped a piece of toast in the toaster, he didn't want his sister to worry, but Lime cookie sat next to him.

"Come on, you look sad, just tell me, I'm your sister you've been looking sad the past few days, you told me and your friends that you've been making music this whole time, but I know that you've been doing something else, so what have you been doing?"

He looked at her, and gave a big heavy sigh, "I-, I-," nothing came out of him, Lime took his hand, "Go on," she smiled at him, trying to comfort him, he kept looking at her for a minute and then smiled ever so slightly, then he vented to her, "Woah, you did all that and never told me? I could have helped you, why have you started so suddenly anyways?"

"Well, it started when Strawberry Yogurt got with Parfait."

"So you were jealous."

"No, not really, I was happy for him, I really was but-," he stopped there, his sister patted his back, "It's ok Key, maybe one day," he smiled weakly at her, "Thanks sis," she smiled back, "No problem,"

Key Lime Pie felt slightly better, but most importantly, he felt better, he finished his toast and decided to take a walk.


Croissant cookie was nudged awake by someone next to her, "Hey, Croissant, we're here," String Gummy cookie told her, she stretched a bit, "Finally," it was the evening when they arrived, about 7:30 pm, they arrived at the house that they were going to move in.

"The movers should be arriving with our stuff tomorrow, for now, I suggest we just check the kingdom until we clock in the night," String Gummy cookie suggested, "Hey where's Timekeeper?"

"Right here dear," Timekeeper appeared behind Croissant cookie, "Hey Timekeeper, wanna come with me and see the kingdom," Croissant asked, "Sure why not," They replied.

"Alright, we'll be back, Sting Gummy," Croissant cookie waved goodbye as she and Timekeeper left.

Mint Choco was walking downtown, violin case in his hand, he found the fountain and placed his violin case down and took out his violin, he took a deep breath and started playing, he always enjoyed playing on the streets, for the streets were his humble beginnings, then he heard a voice that he was waiting to hear.

"Hi, Mint Choco Cookie!" Cocoa cookie walked up to Mint Choco, "Oh, hello Cocoa cookie, doing fine this evening?" he asked, "Oh yes, I'm doing fine, I was finished shopping when I heard your sweet violin, your melodies are very beautiful," Mint Choco chuckled, "You always tell me that," he said lightheartedly, she giggled and smiled, "How have you been doing."

"I've been fine, thank you, I just decided to play near the fountain today," he told her, not telling her the main reason he was playing at the fountain was to see her, "Oh, can you play right now?" She asked, "Uh, you know, for me," she added, a slight blush on her cheeks, he smiled, "Of course," he played a piece of music for her, she took a sip of cocoa from her signature cup and hummed along with the music, Mint Choco finished, "Did you like that?" She clapped, "Absolutely!"

He laughed, then he check his watch, "Oh dear look at the time, sorry my dear Cocoa but I must go," Mint Choco put away his violin in its case and started walking, but Cocoa cookie stopped him, "Wait, Mint Choco, before you go, I want to give you something," he raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"

Then out of nowhere, Cocoa cookie kissed him on the cheek, the two immediately went red, "Ok, bye Mint Choco," she ran off, leaving Mint Choco standing there, he touched his cheek, excitement spreading through his body, "I'm getting somewhere with her," he told himself.

he started walking downtown, heading back to his house when he saw someone, "Hey, it's Key Lime Pie!" He ran to him, but when he got closer, he noticed how down Key Lime looked, he was sitting on a bench, not doing anything, he was just sitting there.

Mint Choco walked up to him, "Hey, you doing ok?" No answer, Ming Choco nudged him on the shoulder, "Are you ok, you don't look like you're doing good," There was a pause, then Key Lime sighed, "Yeah, I'm ok," but it didn't sound right to Mint, "Hey, if something's wrong, you can tell me," Mint Choco sat next to him on the bench, "I'll listen," Key Lime Pie looked at him, he gave another sigh and smiled weakly at him. "Alright, I'll tell you."

"Ok so, when Strawberry Yogurt asked to help with Parfait, it lit something in me, It reminded me how I honestly didn't do good in the dating world, that was why I looked slightly off when he was telling him about his plan, so after they started dating, I tried getting back into dating, but," he paused, "I couldn't keep a relationship, I tried dating the girls in the kingdom, even tried the boys, but it was just one fallout after the other.

then I finally got with Chili pepper cookie, I know, never thought I'd date her, other than that, it honestly looked like our relationship was going good, but then we got into a quarrel, and then we broke up, that one hurt me the most, I honestly just want a partner, but."

He slumped, "Now I feel like no one will ever love me," Mint Choco hit him lightly on the shoulder, "Come on, Key, you sound like a pick me boy," Key Lime gave a chuckle, "I know but, the feeling is genuine," Mint Choco look at his friend and hugged him, he patted him on the back, "Don't worry, sooner or later, that special someone will come," Key Lime hugged back, "Thanks, really appreciate it,"

"Well, I'm off, take care Key."

"You too," Key Lime watched as Mint Choco walked out of sight, he looked around to see that the streets were pretty much barren, with no one in sight. "Well I suppose I should go too," but before he got up, he heard movement, then he found himself face to face with a brown-haired girl.

"Oh, hi there, my name is Croissant Cookie," she said, "Are you the only one here?" Key Lime stood there, admiring her, she was pretty, he thought, but he knew he shouldn't get his hopes up, he looked around, "Pretty much," he answered, "Oh, what's your name?" Croissant cookie asked, "Key Lime Pie Cookie."

"Oh, that's a nice name," Key Lime blushed at the comment, "Oh t-thanks," suddenly she took a seat beside him, "Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Uh sure why not," the two spent some time together, actually getting along, Croissant cookie told him about the TBD, and Key Lime simply listened, while also telling some stories of the past, the two laughed with each other, if people were walking by, they would've seemed like good friends talking, finally Croissant looked at the time.

"Oh, I lost track of time, gotta go," but before she left, she pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote on it, she gave it to Key Lime, "You're a cool guy, so here's my phone number and address, you were really nice to talk to," she smiled at him, he smiled back her, "Same to you," he said, "Well, see ya Key Lime Pie cookie."

She ran off, smiling to herself, she had just made a friend, on the first day in the kingdom too, then she stopped, "Timekeeper!" She called out, they appeared right in front of her, "Yes dear?"

"Timekeeper I just made a new friend, he was cool and he was kinda cute too," she blushed slightly, then she remembered something, "Hey, is he the person that will change my life?"

Timekeeper hummed in thought, "Maybe," she replied, Croissant, sighed, they were always so difficult to get information from, but that didn't matter, she had a new friend, "Alright let's go home," the two headed home while Key Lime Pie sat there on the bench, then he looked at the paper she gave him, then a big wide grinned across his face, he knew he had to be cautious, but she felt different.

Maybe, just maybe.

He has a chance.

(Gonna have fun with this relationship)

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