Chapter four: Have you met my father?

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Strawberry Yogurt woke up the next day, finding that Parfait cookie had already gotten up for the day, he pulled himself out of bed, remembering the dream he had last night while getting ready for the day, he had dreamed about his and Parfait's future, with him telling stories to his grandchildren, he smiled to himself, he enjoyed that dream.

He entered the kitchen, "Good morning, sleepyhead, you're finally awake," Parfait giggled, "Sleepyhead? what do you mean-," he checked his watch, 11:59, "Well, would you look at the time, and you didn't wake me?" 

"I was going to, but you were smiling in your sleep, you just looked adorable and I couldn't bring myself to do it," Strawberry chuckled, "Here, made you some breakfast." She placed a plate of pancakes in front of him, Strawberry Yogurt always loved his girlfriend's cooking.

"Thanks, honey," he said, they gave each other a kiss and Strawberry started eating his pancakes.

After some time passed, Strawberry Yogurt spoke up, "Hey come on, let's go."

"Where?" Parfait asked, "Well, have you ever met my father before?" He asked her, Parfait thought about it, "No, I don't think, I know you've met my mothers but I haven't met your dad and mom before," Strawberry's expression fell slightly, "Oh uh, it's just my father, my mother died long ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," she genuinely looked sorry, "No, it's ok, it's ok, you're ok," They got into their car, and drove off to Strawberry Yogurt's dad's house. Finally, after an hour they arrived, but before Parfait could exit the car, Strawberry Yogurt stopped her. "Hey uh, just gonna tell you, my dad has a rule, one single rule, and I don't want both of us to break it."

"What is it?"

"No music, no singing, or anything like that," Parfait looked like he just told her to stop existing, "No music! Why! We live and breath music, why no music?"

"I don't know, he never told me, but I don't want us to break it, he's serious about it too, so can you promise that you won't do anything," She sighed, "Alright, anything for you," He smiled and gave her a kiss, "Thanks, honey."

The two walked to the front steps of the house, Strawberry knocked, they heard shuffling behind the door, then the door opened, there stood an old man of average build for someone his age, slight wrinkles on his face, he looked like an older version of Strawberry Yogurt, his face lit up when he saw his son, "Hey lad, you haven't visited a while," then he noticed Parfait next to him, "Oh, o' is this?"

"Dad, met my girlfriend, Parfait cookie." Strawberry's dad chuckled, "Figured."

"Nice to meet Mr. Strawberry," she stuck out her hand which he shook, "Hey lass, pleasure to met ya, the name's Strawberry Cake Cookie, please, come in come in," the two stepped in, the house looked pretty simple, pieces of taxidermy mounted on the wall, which Parfait had for some reason counted that there were 4 pieces of taxidermy art. "Come, have a seat," he sat on the couch, a coffee mug in his hand, while the other two sat on the couch opposite of him, "So, you got a girlfriend, son?"

"Yep," Strawberry Yogurt replied,

 Strawberry cake chuckled again, "And a pretty one you got too," Parfait blushed at the compliment, "Oh, thank you, Mr. Strawberry."

"So, how have you been dad?" he asked. "Well, I'm retired you know, just been hanging around, the kingdom's peaceful honestly, away from the buzz and bizz of the city, got into taxidermy as you could probably tell, but other than that, just been an old retired man," he took a sip of coffee, "How's it been for you two?"

"Oh it's been good, we met and started dating last year," Strawberry Yogurt told him, "Really?" 

"Yeah really," Strawberry cake scratched his chin, "Where has my old sack been?" He muttered to himself. "So how did you two meet?" He asked. "Oh, we met when," Parfait started to tell him about how they both met when she was singing, but remembered what Strawberry Yogurt had told her, "We met at the sandwich shop downtown," Strawberry Yogurt quickly said, he knew she was going to say, Strawberry Cake raised an eyebrow, "Sandwich shop? Huh, well love can bloom anywhere I guess."

"By the way, does this your girlfriend know what the rule is," he asked abruptly, "Yes, yes I told her."

"No music, no singing or anything like that right?" said Parfait, Strawberry Yogurt jolted and looked at her, a worried and staggered look on his face, immediately Parfait knew she screwed up, Strawberry Cake looked darkly at her, but then he sighed, "You know, it's your first time, I'll let it slide," the other two sighed in relief, "but if even I hear a mention, I'll get mad, and you'll be in big trouble if I find you singing," he waved a threatening finger at them, seriousness on his face, "Ok, I'm very sorry Mr. Strawberry," Strawberry Cake's face softened, "It's alright, lass, but that's your only warning."

"Anyways, tea, coffee?" He asked, changing the subject, The three spent the rest of the evening chatting, with some close mentions of music that they thankfully avoided. Finally, it's was getting late and they bid their goodbyes, but before Strawberry Yogurt could exit the door with Parfait, his dad stopped him, "Hey, real glad you're doing ok, you know, visit some more, it's been starting to get lonely here, could use some visits from my son you know," Strawberry Yogurt smiled at his dad, "Alright old man," the two hugged and said their final goodbyes, then Strawberry and Parfait drove off, it was silent for a bit when suddenly Parfait spoke, "I still wonder why he's so serious about the no music rule," Strawberry Yogurt sighed, "Me too."

They arrived at their house and went to get ready for bed, "You know, your dad is fun to talk to," Parfait told him, "Glad you like him, my dad, he's a nice guy, but he is kinda short-tempered."

"So you got it from him, all the anger issues and stuff," Strawberry Yogurt chuckled, "Yeah, but overall, I love my dad," he paused, "and I love you as well," Parfait smiled, she kissed him on the cheek, "Alright, let's turn in for the night."

The two cuddled up together and went to sleep, while someone else crashed on their bed, feeling miserable after the day he had, Key Lime Pie fell asleep, with a slightly hollow feeling in him. 

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