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"Absolutely not!"

"Desire, it is no big deal--"

"I'd rather be homeless," Desire said firmly, her foot hitting the ground in finality and Anita rolled her eyes.  

"Newsflash, you already are! And you are not staying here beloved so I suggest you comply with these changes. And quickly."

When Anita had originally pitched letting Desire stay with her, Desire figured she would at least give her a few days' vacations before jumping down her throat about getting a job. But things were never that easy. When she opened her eyes the next morning, Anita was the first thing she took in, holding paperwork and a cup of coffee. 

"I still can't believe you didn't bring me a coffee too," Desire grumbled as she side-eyed the caramel mocha macchiato.

"Working women get coffee," Anita reminded her as she took another sip and Desire fought the urge to roll her eyes. If anyone deserved coffee, it was her.

The last two days had been pure hell but it was nothing compared to what the night had in store for her. Penetrating chocolate orbs stalked her dreams as her mind pictured the man who had come to her rescue not once, but twice.

When she had first met him, he was an attractive afterthought, a casualty of a hard day filled with traumatizing experiences. But in the confines of a comfortable bed with nothing but time, her imagination came to life. And she finally truly saw him.

He had eyes that made you feel exposed. Piercing chocolate orbs that would watch her every move as if he could see into her soul just with a glance. Lips, that when curved into a devilish smirk, Michelangelo himself couldn't have sculpted a sexier pair. The perfect combination of soft, supple, and seductive to compliment his rock-hard... embrace. Her dream left nothing to the imagination and there was no mistaking he was anything other than all man. How she didn't notice this all when she was in front of him she truly wasn't sure but now that her eyes were open, it was hard to see anything else.

A fact that Desire was reminded of each and every time she remembered how he commanded her attention, moulding her to give in to his every whim. But it was what he used to mould her that was truly exquisite. The toffee brown skin, as smooth as velvet, except his calloused hands that showed the proud scars of a hard-working man. He was a walking contradiction of the most tempting kind. And tempted she was.

Damn, I need to get laid, Desire thought to herself as she could feel her skin heating up just at the memory of Orion, muscles glistening with sweat and ink as he stood in front of her in his undershirt, the top part of his coveralls disregarded around his hips from a hard day at work.

 "--but back to the matter at hand, Desire. We've gone over your finances and at a normal minimum wage salary, you can't keep leasing your Aston Martin. Hell even if you made more than minimum wage, it would be impossible to maintain the lifestyle you're accustomed to."

"If I agree to cut back on my personal chef to twice a week, can we keep the car?" Desire bargained.

"Honey, you're personal chef has already been cut as well as your weekly nail appointments, your diamond membership at Monroe's spa, your cleaning service," the list continued on and on, each item more ridiculous than the other, and Desire could feel her stomach turning with every item removed. "And don't even get me started on the personal assistant. What do you need assistance on?"

"Who's going to carry my bags?" Desire asked and Anita's mouth dropped open.

"You pay four grand every two weeks to have someone carry a few bags from store to store"

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