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The salty sea breeze tickled Desire's nose as she lounged against the beach chair. Her smooth melanated skin soaked in the sun's beams of warmth while she listened peacefully to the sounds around her. Consistent waves from the Caribbean sea crashed onto the sparkling white sand, before slowly making their descent back to the water. Soft reggae music played in the background in her AirPods, almost hypnotic, and Desire bit her lip as she swayed to the infectious melody. 

Her direct view of the sun hitting her glasses was disrupted as a frame moved in front of her.

"Hello, beautiful."

Desire tilted her sunglasses ever so slightly, as her gaze took in the man in front of her. Standing at a tall six-foot, the man in front of her wasn't bad. He had tanned skin, slightly red from the sun, with baby blue eyes. 


"Is this seat taken?" He asked grinning and the smile on Desire's face slowly slid off as her eyes glanced at his crooked teeth. 

"Yeah it is," not bothering to offer any further explanation, Desire turned her head back to the ocean and let the Gucci shades slip back down onto the arch of her nose. 

"Well, okay then," he muttered before turning swiftly on his heels and heading the other direction and Desire couldn't help herself from chuckling. Any man that would come to Desire Washington had to come correct. When you look this damn fine, you can not let any fool talk to you any type of way. Besides, there is always another one.

"Damn Mami, what would it take to get a piece of that?"

Case and point.

"A higher tax bracket."

"Damn it's like that," the unknown man asked and Desire raised an eyebrow before tilting her head in his direction. It wasn't that he was bad looking, no, he was far from it. The sweet-talking Hispanic with curly hair might've been able to keep her attention but it was the lack of respect that had to send him packing. 

Rather than spend another minute honouring him with her presence and response, Desire popped back in her AirPods and hummed along to the music.

Taking the not-so-subtle hint, the fine but disrespectful cutie headed back to where he came from, leaving her once again to her peace. Just like she liked it. But before she could get comfortable, her music paused, her phone alerting her of a call. Dad. A smile crossed Desire's face as the photo of her greying-but would never admit it- father popped up on the screen.

"Hey, dad!"

"Hey baby doll, how's studying going?" Nervously, Desire looked around, making sure her father hadn't flown to Turks and Caicos to make sure she was on her A-game, something she wouldn't put past him. 

"Oh, it's going great!"

"Sounds good, next week is exams right?" He asked and Desire tried her hardest to remember if her program should be done soon. Having dropped out the first week, she didn't bother to keep up with the schedule unless her father called.

"Yup!" She lied. But she quickly sat up as her gaze caught a fine specimen of man, emerging from the water like a chocolate greek god. Who was that?

"Since this is the last class you needed to take to graduate, I'm sure you'll be able to find a job ASAP."

Desire's attention snapped from the cutie with an 8-pack back to her father on the phone. A job? A J.O.B. Absolutely not.


"Sweetheart, don't you think it's time for you to get into the real world and get a job."

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