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This chapter is dedicated to nette66

Because not only did she hold me accountable for not updating, her comments were cracking me up!

So this one is for you! Enjoy and let me know what you think


On a regular morning, Desire woke up feeling like a queen. The sun would break through her curtains and caress her melanated skin. Birds would serenade her with their beautiful song just to get a glimpse at her presence and the aroma of crispy bacon and scrambled eggs filled the room as her personal chef cooked away.

But this morning was just slightly different.

Instead, by the first sunrise, Desire jumped awake at the sound of groans, moans, and repeated headboard smacking against the wall. Over and over and over again.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Desire whined as she tossed the cheap fabric they passed off as sheets off her body and stepped onto the cool ground. She took a deep breath and tried to find her center of peace as her yoga instructor would recommend.

Breath in.

 And hold it for one.


Hold it for two. 


Hold it for three.

"Oh fuck! Damn James!" A moan carried over from the room was the final straw. 

"Will you shut up! I promise you it is not that damn good!" Desire yelled as she banged on the shared wall and for a moment, there was silence. Utter and complete silence. 

It was a beautiful thing.

Until her phone started ringing.


Desire watched as the phone rang and debated letting it ring out until it inevitably stopped. It would save her the stress of trying to pretend everything was normal. But knowing Simone, gossip talker extraordinaire, if she didn't hear from her, she'd assume something was wrong and pop up at her apartment with concern in one hand and an ear for drama in the other. 

My old apartment, She reminded herself

"Desire Washington speaking."

"Oh good, you're alive," Simone exclaimed dramatically and Desire fought the urge to roll her eyes. "The rumours are going crazy. Now, of course, I didn't believe them but I thought I'd ask you myself."

"Ask me what Simone?"

"Are you..." She took a moment to breathe before she spoke, her words shaky as if just saying it would cause the madness to spread. "Homeless?"

"What! O-Of course not, where would you even hear that from," Desire spoke quickly as she thought of a lie to get her out of this one. How did they know already?

"Well, I won't reveal my sources-"

"Of course," Desire muttered dryly.

"But word on the street is someone saw a moving van taking your stuff and no one has seen you at it since. So being the concerned friend that I am-"

More like the nosy neighbour.

"-I thought I would call and make sure that it's just a rumour. It is just a rumour right?" She asked waiting expectantly.

"Of course it is."

"Great, so then what's up with the moving van?" She threw back quickly.

"The place was getting too small for me for I decided to find something else."

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