Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Little me had just woken up to a boy's face over mine. "Claire Ann?" he asked anxiously, grabbing my hand to pull me upright. He looked fifteen-ish, so I guessed that he was Twinn.

I rubbed my head. "I'm okay. My head just hurts."

"That isn't normal. All you did was sleep." He put his hand gingerly on my head and I flinched. There was concern in his eye. "Claire, we should tell Papa, or go see Aunt Wently."

"Papa's at work, Twinn," I reminded him. He smiled.

"Not today. He has the day off. He planned to go out with Mom, but I think we can delay them a bit. Come on."

I pushed my blankets off and placed my feet on cold ground. But when I tried to apply pressure, I collapsed. Twinn grabbed me and lifted me into his arms like a baby. "Papa!" he called, running out of the room.

When I saw the Doctor's third regeneration, but slightly younger, I smiled. Well, internally anyway. He looked startled at seeing me in my brother's arms. "What's wrong?"

"She can't walk. She woke up with a headache, and she can't even stand."

His brow creased. "Claire Ann, how do you feel?"

"Tired, but that's probably because I just woke up." Twinn laid me on the couch, and the Doctor knelt beside me, putting the back of his hand on my cheek.

Looking up at an unfamiliar woman, probably my mother, he said, "Go fetch Wently. We need her."

And I guess that's how we found out I was a Seer.

I woke up back in the TARDIS, on the floor near the console, with my Doctor looking over me with that same concerned expression. "You looked at me like that the day we found out I was a Seer," I said, and his expression changed instantly.

"Can't help it. Here." He helped me off the ground and I wobbled a bit, but kept my footing. Then I realized something.

"Why are we moving?" I asked, almost in a panic. Rose looked at the console just as I reached it.

The Doctor joined me. "I don't know. Rose, did you hit something?"

She held up her hands. "I didn't touch anything."

The Doctor kept flipping switches and pressing buttons and throwing levers, but I heard my TARDIS groaning and pushed him away. "You're hurting her!" I shouted, and turned everything off. Well, almost everything. We were still flying, and we still had lights and air, but the engines were off. We should have been stationary.

"What in Gallifrey..." the Doctor trailed, trying to fix the problem. I pushed him back.

"Did you pass your pilot's exam? I don't think so. Let me drive my TARDIS." I turned the screen on and saw what was outside-Torchwood, 2256. "Doctor, I think they've figured out how to get our attention."

Patting the console, I said, "I know the Doctor blew up the sonic factory. Can you get me one, darlin'?" And out of a socket popped a sonic. "Thank you." As I spun it in my hand and shoved it into a pocket, I trailed behind the Doctor and Rose, who walked outside.

The sun was high in the sky, telling me that it was about midday, and it was very bright. "Looks about like a perfect day for something to go wrong," said the Doctor.

"I like the sun."

We walked to the doors and inside found chaos.

Well, I say was very organized. My mind was chaotic.

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