Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I sat quietly on the jump seat, a frown on my face from being deep in thought.

"Breanne," said Rose, sitting down beside me. I jolted from thought. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, fine. Just thinking."

She stroked my hair gently, and I sighed before yawning. "You don't have to come with us if you don't want to. I hope you know that."

"Are you kidding? This has been the best day of my life. I'm just tired. Goodnight, Rose."

She smiled at me as I stood up. "G'night, Breanne."

I walked down the hall, trying to keep my head out of the clouds so I didn't end up lost.

Daughter? My dreams? Was that guy just crazy? I stopped and looked around. Yep. I was lost.

"Doctor!" I shouted, turning around. Suddenly I paused. I...knew exactly where I was. I could remember every turn I'd taken, every door I'd passed.

"Breanne?" the Doctor shouted back.

"Never mind!"

Curious, I checked inside each door as I passed them. Old control room, library, pool, storage for the Doctor's old regenerations' clothes. Then I found one that was different. It was a mess, but I could see a bed. There were bright painted walls, splashed with gold wisps-a painting of regeneration energy.

Walking in, I noticed a wall with names scratched onto it. Some I recognized, some I didn't. But it was clear that they were all people he had lost. Tears filled my eyes at the volume of names. I even saw Jackie Tyler written.

"Breanne, what're you doing?" I spun around. When he saw my face, he lurched toward me. "Oh, no. Don't cry. I'm not upset with you."

"I'm sorry, Doctor," I said quietly.

"Well it's not like I locked the door or anything." He stepped close to me and wiped my eyes. "What are you sorry for?"

"This," I gestured to the wall. "I'm sorry you've had to lose so many people."

His eyes drifted back to the wall, reading the names again. Then he looked down at me. "It's to help me remember them."


"Because they were amazing people, and they deserve to be remembered." He put his hand on my back to lead me out. "You look tired, Breanne. Get some sleep."

I nodded and walked away; he closed the door behind me, making me wince. Rose would someday be on that wall, just a memory. Maybe I would still be with him then, maybe I wouldn't. But I wanted to help him somehow.

I fell asleep easily that night, in my room which was painted TARDIS blue, also with wisps of golden regeneration energy over the top of it. Strangely, I didn't have a dream. Actually that wasn't just strange. When I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I couldn't remember a thing from sleeping, I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of shoes.

"Doctor! Doctor!" I shouted, panic evident in my voice. But his room was empty. So was Rose's. I ran to the control room, then thought maybe I'd been asleep longer than I thought and opened the door. Hearing Rose laugh, I paused.

"She's a very curious girl, isn't she?" Rose said.

"Not in a bad way. Curiosity is always good, healthy even."

"Of course."

They were sitting on a blanket over grass, staring at the sunrise. I saw the Doctor rifling through his pockets and smiled.

"Rose," he said, sitting up from his relaxed laying position. She sat up too. "I love you."

She smiled madly. "I love you too, Doctor."

"And I know this is silly, because you're going to age and I won't, but I know I'll still love you even when you look like your mother." She laughed, and even I cracked a smile at that. "Rose Tyler, will-will you marry me?"

She gasped, and I restrained from inching out to see the ring. I'm sure it was gorgeous. "Yes!" she shouted as she threw herself on him, making them both fall over. I put my hand to my mouth to smother a laugh.

He chuckled and sat up to slide the ring onto her finger. "Now this ring is very special. I took one of my regenerations and put it in here." She gasped again.

"You mean-"

"You have one regeneration, Rose. Just take the ring and crush it in your hand. I made it so it's indestructible until you're dying, and then it's brittle as ash."

"Thank you, Doctor!"

I smiled. So, instead of wasting a regeneration when he was with Donna, this is how he got rid of it. On Rose. The universe was balancing itself out.

Now that their moment was over, I stepped out. "Doctor?" They looked up at me. "Something's wrong with me."

He stood up. "What could that be?"

"I'm not dreaming. Not even a flicker. I haven't not had a dream since I was five." Rose could tell that I was slightly freaking out and stood up.

"Let's go inside. It's about time I give you a scan and we see what's going on here."

I stepped back inside, ready for whatever he was going to do. "Alright. Stand there." Planting my feet firmly right in front of the console, I watched him run around, preparing or something.

He shoved his sonic in my face and I blinked at the bright light.

Silently Rose stood behind us, not getting in the way as the Doctor pushed his sonic into a hole in the control panel and ran around pressing buttons. Finally he grabbed the screen and waited. Very impatiently.

"Ah hah! Finally! Alright, come here. Let's see now. No metal in your body, you look human, but there's a cavity in the right side of your chest that isn't normal. Strange. Now about your head..."

I looked at the screen, but it was written in Gallifreyan and even the TARDIS couldn't translate that. "Is that my name?" I asked, somehow reading Breanne at the top.

"Yes. How'd you know that?"

I shrugged. "Lucky guess?"

He gave me a strange look before turning back to it. "You're completely healthy, Breanne. Not sure what it is that's causing these dreams, or why they've stopped."

Rose said, "Why would she have a cavity in her chest, Doctor?"

He shrugged. "Not sure."

I looked at the scan of my body. "Does it look to you guys like some of my blood vessels get suddenly rerouted right over the cavity, towards my heart?"

The Doctor scrutinized it before freezing. "Breanne, have you ever had heart trouble?"

"Two transplants as a kid. Why?"

Suddenly his head snapped down to me. There was fear, but also a little hope in his eyes. "Because that looks exactly like where an extra heart should be."

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