Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Doctor frowned as his psychic paper started to feel warm again. "Doctor?" Rose asked.

"I don't know how she's doing that," he said, looking at the message.

We're coming, Doctor. We're coming.


He shrugged. "Probably Breanne and Cleopatra."

"Probably?" she echoed, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know anyone else who can send messages to my psychic paper, or who else she could be with."

He walked to the wall from which the door had vanished and felt on it. Nothing. Seamless. He tried sonic-ing it, but nothing happened. "Wood," he muttered. "Had to be wood."

"What, the sonic doesn't work on wood?"

"I'm working on it. Wood is grown-it was once an actual living thing. It's harder to get a setting to open a dead thing." He sounded anxious.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" Rose asked, walking over.

"I don't know what's going on, but a cell like this doesn't belong in ancient Egypt. There's something very not good going on and I don't want Breanne in the middle of it."

"I've been in the middle of plenty of things before, and I've always come out fine." She laid her hand on his arm and he looked down at her.

"She's just a kid," he said sadly. "A very special one at that."

"Then trust her. And in the meantime, come up with a plan. You're good at that."

He sighed. "Rose, we are in a wooden room with no door with no idea what we're up against. I can't make a plan."

"Get us out. That's a plan."

He nodded and kept waving his sonic around. Worried about Breanne as he was, Rose was right. He couldn't help anyone stuck there.

Honestly, he wasn't sure why he was so worried. She was smart, quick, and clever. She could handle finding him at least, if not solving the problem completely as she did.


He looked back at Rose. "What did you say?"

She shrugged. "I didn't say anything."


Their eyes met. Breanne!

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