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"We've got each other and that's a lot for love
We'll give it a shot
Whoa, we're halfway there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer..."

I'm singing along to when the doorbell rings and a neighbour calls out as they open the front door. "Hello?"

"Hello, in here!" I holler back as I slide chopped watermelon from the cutting board to a serving bowl. My singing drops to a hum, matching the music playing out on the deck. Handshakes and greetings fill the hallway as our guests filter through the kitchen.

"Come on back," I say, leading the neighbor's kids through the kitchen. Their parents follow with a case of beer and plate of cookies.

I nudge the screen door open with my toe and step out onto the large wooden deck overlooking the backyard. Peace washes over me as I look out onto the green grass lined with oak trees. I loved this house the first minute we viewed it. A big yard for barbecues and lawn games, an entertainment room for Marvel marathons, and extra rooms for guests and maybe someday, a family. A new house for a new us. A new home in Boston.

Six months ago it was easy to make the decision to move to Boston to live with Chris. It was more difficult to figure out the logistics. In the long run I made the right decision and sold my company, leaving myself more time and flexibility as an independent consultant. Which meant a more flexible schedule to see Chris, plus have more time for hobbies and to travel for fun.

The house was a perfect start together. I insisted on paying for half of it, on it being our house together. And he insisted on a new puppy, our sweet golden retriever Charlie, which I happily agreed to.

The giggles of the neighbor's kids chasing Charlie around the yard draws my attention. The buzz of our guests visiting mixes with the dog's playful barks and the classic rock playing from the deck's speakers. I advise neighbors where food can go on the red and white tablecloth, then walk out onto the cool grass towards Chris, kicking a soccer ball that rolls towards me. Chris, Seb, and Mackie are hanging out talking, bottles of beer in their hands. Chris smiles as I approach, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as they widen the semi circle to include me.

"Sweet new place you have here." Mackie grins, looking around the yard again.

"Yeah thanks for having us, guys." Seb says as he tips his bottle to his lips.

"Glad you're both here. Seemed like the perfect weekend. My mom and best friend are visiting, you guys are in town, we wanted to meet the neighbors. It worked out." I respond as Chris nods along in agreement, his hand resting on my hip.

"Well cheers to you two. I'm glad you ended up together." Mackie tips his beer towards my wine glass and winks at me. "I knew you would."

"Yeah, cheers. Thanks guys," Chris replies, taking a drink and squeezing me closer to him.

I look up to the deck to see my friend Kyra moving along the banister, lighting tiki torches and citronella candles as the late afternoon light slowly disappears and shadows begin to cover the side of the house.

"Be right back." I tell the boys, skipping up to the deck.

"Kyra! Come here. I have someone you have to meet." I smile mischievously, taking her arm and ignoring her questions.

Her ideas widen as we approached the three men.

"Guys, this is my best friend Kyra. This is Mackie..." He reaches out his hand to her.

"...and this is Sebastian." I squeeze Kyra's elbow that's hidden between our bodies. I had told Kyra all about Seb after I'd met him in Atlanta.

"Hi Kyra." Seb grins. Chris and I exchange a look across the circle, and he shakes his head and smiles, knowing what I'm up to. I return his smile and slightly shrug my shoulders at him.

SHUSHED - CHRIS EVANS ✔️Where stories live. Discover now