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I have to stop myself from skipping as I pass through the airport terminal, excited to be reunited with Chris. I haven't seen him in three long weeks and missing him has been unbearable. When he invited me to Atlanta I couldn't wait to clear my schedule and get here. He's filming Infinity War and would have some time to spend with me.

I'm scrolling through my phone in one hand and rolling my suitcase behind me with the other as I exit the terminal. I would've missed him had I not looked up as I passed the airport security desk.

There he is, my Chris Evans, in a ball cap and Aviators, leaning against the wall with a huge grin on his face. I drop my bags and rush the last six feet between us into his arms.

"Hi! Oh my god, I've missed you so much," I squeal, kissing his cheek.

"Hi kitten! I missed you too," he responds, gathering my face in his hands to kiss me. For a moment all that there is in the world are his hands on my face, mine on his torso, his lips hungrily pursuing mine. He hugs me tight, as I sigh with contentment. All of our texts, video chats, and phone calls are never a substitute for being in his arms.

"I thought I'd meet you at the hotel," I say as I rest my head on his chest, taking a deep breath and savoring how wonderful he smells. Relief courses through my body as I lean against him.

"I couldn't wait that long." He smiles down at me. I am grinning like a preteen girl after her first kiss, but I don't care. I tighten my fingers between his and kiss him again, our lips lingering.

Chris leads me to his loaned Audi and drives us to his hotel. He tells me about the last couple weeks of filming and how exciting it's been to work with the Russo brothers again. I try to pry movie details out of him but he just shakes his head. He doesn't want to ruin the film's surprises. Plus Marvel might kill him, he jokes.

We arrive at his fancy hotel and up to his suite. Chris delivers my suitcase in the bedroom as I take in my glamorous surroundings. Dropping my purse I spin in a slow circle, admiring the crystal chandelier above. The thick rug of golds and yellows matches the wallpaper, and the Southern style decor of the suite is comforting.

Chris crosses the foyer and wraps his arms around me, meeting me as I step towards him and place my hand on his cheek. Slowly I run my hand across his jaw, the short stubble prickling my palm. He hates to shave but I love his clean shaven look as much as his beautiful beard. Whatever his facial hair, I love touching him, watching him close his eyes and turn his cheek into my palm.

For a moment we just look into each other's eyes, remembering each other's faces, before pulling each other in again for a passionate kiss. I've missed the desire between us.

Unfortunately we're interrupted by the doorbell. Chris pulls away with a disappointed sigh, and a few moments later returns with the concierge.

"I ordered dinner," he gestures to the bags of food, nodding to the uniformed man to set up in the small dining room. After tipping the concierge and showing him out, Chris grabs a piece of warm cornbread and shoves it in his mouth, murmuring how good it is which makes me laugh. We eat the southern BBQ ribs and chicken, laughing at stupid jokes and discussing my recent company retreat. I'm tired from working all day then flying in from LA, and Chris is exhausted from working all day in the heat and humidity. While we scroll through the TV, I stretch out on the soft blue couch and lay my head across his lap. A deep sigh comes from my lips as he plays with my hair, and an hour later Chris is leading me to bed. I curl up next to him, a content smile my last movement as he wraps his arms around me.

In the morning Chris wakes me with a kiss on the forehead.

"Morning beautiful."

I smile and stretch across the white sheets, "Good morning."

SHUSHED - CHRIS EVANS ✔️Where stories live. Discover now