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Chris: Only 2 more days, kitten

You: I know, but I'm impatient! :(

Chris: Don't pout. Soon I'll be touching you, teasing you, making you scream

You: Yeah? What're you gonna do to me?

Chris: You want to play?

You: what're you gonna do?

Chris: you're a bad girl

You: You love it

Chris: I do. I love it when you legs are wrapped over my shoulders, my tongue is making your body quiver, your eyes roll back in your head, as I make you come like only I can

You: Yeah? That sounds amazing :)

Chris: I'll ravage you. Punish you for challenging me via text

You: :) promise?

Chris: LOL Be a good girl, kitten. See you in 2 days

You: Can't wait

I giggle as I put my phone down, closing my eyes, clenching my thighs together. I wish he was here to make good on his bet, but in two days we'll be on our way to Boston together. Our random schedules are ending up with both of us in LA. But Chris asked if I'd take a trip with him for a few days to Boston. It's our first time traveling together. I wasn't sure about going, it seems serious. I've been trying to keep the brakes on this for the last few months, because of the impracticality of dating a movie star like Chris. And calming my expectations of what this could be.

But I just want to be with him. Laugh with him, talk about life. Have Sex with him anywhere and everywhere, I think with a grin. He's the sweetest, sexiest man I've ever known. And I just want to be with him.

I spend the next day working, then with extended family in LA. I ignore their numerous questions of, 'Have you met anyone special yet? When are you going to have a boyfriend?'

I realize I've changed in the last few months. Questions like that roll off my back now. I don't have to answer to anyone about my relationship status, cuz I don't know what the answer would be.

My cousins want to see Captain America: Civil War that afternoon. I just nod when they ask if I've seen it yet, since it's been out for a few months. I'm glad to see it over and over. Watching the film, I'm again reminded how talented Chris is, creating this character, making the iconic Steve Rogers come to life. And I can't help but watch Steve's hands. I knows those hands. I know what they can do. Graze against my clit and then pull away, while the owner awaits my reaction. I blush and look down from the screen. A few more hours.

Later that night I make it to LAX, through security, waiting at the airline lounge for Chris. The lounge where we first met. I smile when I hear the door swing open and his laugh softly fills the entryway. I lick my lips as I watch him walk in, his backpack thrown across his shoulder.

"Hey babe" he says, as he walks towards me. His plaid shirt is open, revealing his white t shirt fitted tightly to his torso. My eyes travel down to his jeans, then his sneakers, appreciating his relaxed style.

I stand up and discreetly hug him, and whisper in his ear, "Hey handsome"

We don't let go right away, savor in our reunion, our bodies aligned again. I nuzzle my nose into his neck, feeling his beard against my cheek and smell him, the soft spice and soap scent that comforts me and turns me on.

SHUSHED - CHRIS EVANS ✔️Where stories live. Discover now