A knock on the skylight

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I know I was supposed to post the next chapter of "Le Battement d'ailes du Papillon" but I had this one shot in mind and I needed to jot it down. This is my first time writing in English, it's definitely nowhere near perfect but I had a lot of fun writing it. I usually write in French and I'm planning to translate my other fics and one shot when they are finished but this story felt easier to write in English (I don't know why).

No season 4 spoilers.
This is pure Marichat / Adrinette fluff (with a bit of angst). 



Chat Noir landed on the balcony with a soft thud. He looked around to check if he had been seen but the streets of Paris were completely empty at this time of the night. The surroundings were so quiet he could practically hear his own frantic heartbeat.

Marinette's fairy lights were out. Chat Noir threw a glance at the skylight to find her room completely dark. Marinette usually was a night owl, but Chat Noir should have known that even she wouldn't have stayed up this late. He suddenly felt a bit ashamed to be standing here on her balcony when he definitely should have been sleeping in his own bed at this ungodly hour.

His eyes landed on an empty mug forgotten on the wooden floor, and Chat Noir's face lit when he noticed a green paw print on it. His heart warmed at the thought of Marinette using this mug on a regular basis; he pictured her sitting on her folding chair, wrapped up in a soft pink blanket and nibbling some freshly baked cookies. Was she thinking about him tonight when she drank some hot cocoa from her Chat Noir mug? He could only hope.

He made a mental note to buy her the biggest mug he could find with his face on it just to tease her. That was something he loved, teasing her.

His grin instantaneously vanished when he felt his heart tighten.

Over the past few months, this place had become his safe haven. A place he knew he could visit whenever he felt like to. Whenever he felt like suffocating in his own life. A place where he never felt like a burden to anyone. A place where he always felt welcomed... and loved.

His heartbeat suddenly sped up. He tried to shake off the weight pressing against his chest as the memories of the day he just went through came back to him like a punch in the guts. He tried to calm his hectic breathing, but the more he tried to focus, the more he started to hyperventilate. He needed to see Marinette. He really needed her.

Crouching on all fours, Chat Noir slowly reached the skylight, his heart pounding in his human ears. This was a bad idea. Marinette was deep asleep, he shouldn't be bothering her at this time of the night. He straightened up and turned around, ready to jump off the balcony, but the thought of going back to his cold and empty room made him shiver. He slowly turned back around and leaned over the skylight. He let out a sigh, pondering if he should do this. Still hesitating, he finally worked up the courage to knock on the cold glass. As he got no answer, he chastised himself because he should be leaving her alone instead of trying to break into her room in the middle of the night, but the need to see her was stronger than anything. His eyes started to water and he took a deep breath before running his clawed fingers on the skylight's edges. When he found it unlocked, he silently slipped inside and landed on the bed as softly as he could.

Marinette was sound asleep, so deeply buried under her comforter that only her hair and half of her face were visible. She looked peaceful, bathed in the dim moonlight coming from the skylight. A fond smile appeared on Chat Noir's face at the sight.

"She is so beautiful", he thought.

The more he looked at her, the more awkward he felt. He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be bothering her with his problems. He had no right to wake her up in the middle of the night to whine about what was troubling him. He was a big boy, he could take care of his own problems without unloading them onto his best friend.

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