Chapter 18

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Eva completely lost in the chaos that had happened was totally blinded by the sound of the door bell and quickly remembered Chauncey was there to pick her up. She felt Ella picking her up and grabbed her bag carrying her over towards the door and opened it to see Chauncey.

Chauncey turned and stared in disbelief what she was seeing.....

Ella smiled saying, "good morning!

Eva noticed the confused look in Chauncey's eye's knowing her friend wasn't expecting to see another woman carrying her or even hearing what came next.

Chauncey tried to speak coherent words, but everything that came out was stuttered words.

Ella giggled asking, "is everything alright?"

Chauncey nodded her head saying, "I am sorry let me take the bag from you and I will make sure Eva gets to school."

Ella smiled saying, "ok baby! you be a good girl and I will see you this afternoon."

Eva couldn't believe this was happening and tried not to look at her assistant who was carrying her to her vehicle and opening up the back door to see two car seats. She felt her bottom enter the seat and then the buckles strap her in place watching as Chauncey stared at her confused.

Chauncey closed the door not believing what she was seeing when she looked up from the door to see the woman who was carrying her friend running from the house with something in her hands.

Ella smiled saying, "I almost forgot she will probably need these"

Chauncey looked in her hands to see a pink pacifier and a cell phone and grabbed them saying, "thank you, I will make sure she gets them"

Chauncey started the car and pulled out of the driveway just wanting to get to school knowing how embarrassed Eva must be feeling, but also shocked that she hadn't told her about the woman.

Eva stared out the window of the car trying not to make a noise already worried what her friend was thinking of her. She stared down at her outfit seeing the large puffy diaper under her dress and the mary jane shoes looking every bit the newborn baby she was dressed as.

Chauncey pulled into the parking lot seeing it was empty giving herself a sigh of relief knowing her baby friend in the back was already nervous as is. She parked her car and quickly made her way around to her trunk pulling out a large stroller and pushing it over to the side door. She opened the door and unstrap the baby from the seat and then placed her in the stroller and started making her way inside.

Eva felt nervous being pushed into the school like this knowing that she knew most of the teachers knew she was doing this, but being seen like this made her feel goosebumps. She tried to hide her face as they entered the front door her eye's seeing a small group of woman at the front talking as she looked up to see someone she recognized it was Jessica the woman she had met the day before.

Jessica continued chatting with her assistance to see a stroller being pushed inside and stared down recognizing the baby inside saying, "oh look ladies there she is!"

Eva realized she had been caught as Chauncey stopped the stroller seeing a crowd of teachers staring into the stroller beginning to coo at the baby inside.

Jessica walked over and pulled the bonnet of the stroller up seeing the baby teacher inside wearing one of the newborn dresses and diaper covers saying, "oh sweety! I see mommy dressed you extra nice this morning!"

Eva felt so embarrassed and slowly nodded her head.

Chauncey spoke saying, "ladies I need to get to my classroom"

Jessica smiled saying, "of course, if you want I can take this little girl off your hands and let her stay with us in the daycare."

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