Harry bows his head as he approaches. The Baron snorts, pleased at Harry's ingratiating display.

"Look at the, fellas. The kitten knows his place. I always like that," The man teases smirking.

Harry steps up close to The Baron... close enough to hear him wheeze on ever exhale, close enough to smell his sausage breath.

The man leans in next to Harry's ear and asks, "What do you have for me, you tart? Better make it good."

Harry hands him the summons and he grudgingly plucks the summons from Harry's hand, glancing at it casually.

"A summons before the Council... creating Ferals... what tedium," The man complains.

He throws the summons aside and gestures to his thugs, "Grab him."

They pick Harry up, one holding each of Harry's arms. Harry struggling against them.

"I'm under Louis' protection!" Harry says angrily.

"That means we can't hurt you... But there's no rule against locking you up for a little while. Just long enough to make Louis worry. Say... six months?" The man smiles cruelly, "I have a very special place for my favorite guests."

"If you do this, you're a dead man! Just wait till Louis finds out about this. He'll..."

"What will he do, dolly?" The man asks.

"He'll kill you. The whole Council will," Harry threatens.

"Kill me... a reigning Clan leader... over a petty little human? Please. The most I'll get is a slap on the wrist," The man dismisses, "I tire of this, boys. Take him to the Bloody Cells."

The Baron's two goons drag Harry down a disorientingly long hallway. Harry kicks and screams, but they are too strong for Harry to escape.

"Hey! Help! Someone!" Harry calls out desperately.

From the end of the hallway, Harry sees a figure accelerating towards Harry quickly, smoothly. The guards notice the figure and pauses for a split second, but before they can even open their mouths to ask who it is...

"Enough!" The mysterious figure says sternly.

"What the f-?!" Harry starts.

In one fluid motion, the figure draws his katana from a sheath on his back and cuts through the air in a sharp horizontal line. The second guard lurches towards the figure, slashing at his chest with a claw. But the figure ducks low, slicing upwards, cleaving the guard's arm off clean.

As the guard staggers back, the figure draws a wooden stake out of his jacket, twirls it in his hand, and drives it into the guard's chest.


The guard explodes into a cloud of ash.

Harry looks up into the glowing eyes of his rescuer.

"Let's go," The man says.

He grabs Harry's hand and pulls him down the hallway.

"What's going on? Who are you?" Harry asks.

"Talk later. We have to get out of here, now!"

He pulls Harry out a back door, down a side street, past the docks, and through a series of alleys. Finally, Harry follows him through an unmarked door and the man slams it shut behind them, locking it with several massive bolts.

Harry collapses, panting.

The vampire who saved Harry collapses onto a chair. The glow fades from the vampire's eyes as his fangs recede.

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