3: My stepbrothers are......BTS!!????

Start from the beginning

This is kim mansion

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This is kim mansion. It's so much huge and good also. But i didn't show any emotions. I was standing there with a blank face.

MOM- Y/n let's go inside.

Y/N- Yes mom

Me and my mom went toward the door and press the door bell. After an eternity a man in his 40's ig came and hugged my mom and then kissed her.

Y/N- You both get a room pls.

They stop and notice me, then blush.

MR. KIM- You are y/n right? Your mother told me many things about you.

Y/N- Oh is that so..

MR. KIM- Ya, oh Btw come inside pls.

We are going inside when I whisper to mom.

Y/N- Mom why you told him about me and what you told him.

MOM- Nothing y/n just some casual things.. Like your birth date, fav. Color and etc.

She whispered back.

Y/N- You didn't told him about my past. Did you?

MOM- No y/n i didn't.

Y/N- Ok then.

We are whispering to each other that we didn't notice that we are already in living room.

MR. KIM- Miss lee pls call my sons.

Wait what.. Sons? Mom didn't told me that he have sons also.

MOM- i am sorry y/n. i forgot to tell.

Y/N- it's ok mom.

Suddenly some.. Not some but many footsteps can be heard. I divert my focus toward the stairs and saw non other than BTS!!???

MR. KIM- kids introduce yourself.

He said when they sat on the couch in front of us.

JIN- I am kim seokjin. You can call me jin.

He said with a blank expression.

NAMJOON- kim Namjoon. You can call me Rm.

He said with a blank expression.

HOSEOK- I am kim hoseok. You can call me jhope.

He said with a fake smile.

YOONGI- kim yoongi. Call me suga.

He said with scary expression.

TARHYUNG- Kim taehyung

He said with cold tone.

JIMIN- Kim jimin.

He also said with a cold tone.

JUNGKOOK- I am kim jungkook. Call me jungkook only.

He said with small smile which is not fake ig.

Y/N- Y/n. Choi y/n.

I said with a blank expression and cold tone. And they all are taken aback by my introduction because they thought that I will cling on them.

MR. KIM- So guys dinner is ready let's go.

We nodded and went to the dinning room.

I sat between mom and jin.

MR. KIM- Umm.. So y/n as you are in same school as my sons so can you tell me how they behave in school.

I can feel BTS glares at me but I shrugged off and replied.

Y/N- sorry mr. Kim but I am not their secretary who will follow them wherever they go. In school I mind my own business so I don't know anything about them. I also didn't know that they are in same school as mine till you told me.

I can feel that they all are taken aback by my reply and I can feel mom is angry on me but what I said is truth tho.

MR. KIM- oh.. It's ok y/n and you can call me dad.

Y/N- no thanks I am good.

MR. KIM- it's ok you can call me dad when you feel comfortable.

I just nodded and continue eating.

BTS pov.

We all are in yoongi hyung's room when a maid come and told us to go downstairs. As dad's girlfriend is downstairs.

We went downstairs and saw Y/n. After dad told us to introduce ourselves we did. And now it's y/n turn to introduce.

Y/N- Y/n. Choi y/n.

She said with blank expression and cold tone. We are taken aback because we thought that she will cling on us but no she didn't.

Now we are sitting on dinning table and eating our food. But then dad ask something.

DAD- Umm.. So y/n as you are in same school as my sons so can you tell me how they behave in school.

We glared at y/n thinking what if she told dad we bully students but not innocent but bad people's. But she don't know that.

Y/N- sorry mr. Kim but I am not their secretary who will follow them wherever they go. In school I mind my own business so I don't know anything about them. I also didn't know that they are in same school as mine till you told me.

We are taken aback from her reply and we can sense that Ms. Choi is angry.

After that dad told her to call him dad but she reject.

MS. CHOI- Ok honey we will go now. Bye honey. Bye kids.

MR. KIM AND BTS- Bye jagiya/Ms.choi .

Y/n pov.

We reached our house. I went inside and was going to my room but mom stoped me.

MOM- Y/n why you behave like that in front of them. Huh?

Y/N- what mom. I just said truth. I am not his kid's secretary that I will know everything about them.

MOM- How dare you to say that huh? You want punishment don't you, wait here.

Mom went inside and come back with a belt. It's not new for me she love me so much but whenever I made any mistake even a small mistake or disrespect someone she always beat me.

MOM- You will be a disrespectful brat. And what can I expect from a mistake huh?

She said and start beating me after good 10 minutes she stop and said.

MOM- this is your punishment for being disrespectful.

She said and went to her room without limping because she is used to it now.

Her mother start beating her when she was 3 year old. Her mother always beat her at her small mistake also, thinking that what she is doing is good for y/n but no she is wrong.

Y/n went to her room and sleep without changing. But little did she know that someone see this whole drama.


Btw what you think about this? Who saw this whole drama any idea??

My stepbrothers~ [BTS ff]Where stories live. Discover now