I don't expect her to reply in other way than a shoulder shrug. Like Gramma, stop being nosey, I do all this stuff cuz I'm allowed to. She really shouldn't be complaining cuz I go to church every Sunday, Sunday school, choir practice, bible study, revivals, pretty much all that she asks of me. The entire Bible Belt package, I partake in and yes, it is one-hundred percent not my choice. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably always be that church-boy, but I do it because of course, no one wants to upset their grandparents. Respect your elders yada. When you grow up Baptist, that's a motto you need to know.

And quite frankly, I'm over it. So she can really mind hers. Love you Gramma.

As long as my life looks under control on the outside that's all that matters. If anything comes crashing down I will handle it accordingly, simple. I don't have a word for the status of things at this very moment. Every day is so damn unpredictable it's ridiculous. So I will enjoy unwinding on this couch for the time being.

Couple minutes later..


Damn. I was really tryna stay into it, but I can't sit still. I was zoning out constantly. Counting the many flowers decorating the walls was more exciting. Looking everywhere, but the tv, my eyes pondered to the foyer. Suddenly I get the chilly feeling I only recently started having going up the steps since the unexpected meeting with my coach. For some reason I wasn't thinking about it when my ass was sliding up and down the steps. Guess I was that entertained for the moment. Why does it happen now? *eye roll* Probably because my mind is empty and that particular spot could poison my thoughts.

Ugh. Imagine if all he had on was the chain and no shorts. Just fully ass out in the hallway. Honestly, he was close enough. I saw more than I'm willing to admit. And no, the darkness did NOT help. If anything the moonlight made him glow blue. A sight I have been tryna push out of my head. It's nearly impossible. Each time I have to look at him, I am reminded why he is on my shit list to begin with.

It's not like I'm a normal person that doesn't have to look at a perp every day after they catch them. This man is my coach and I'm expected to adhere to his authority. I tell you one thing, he lowered the hell outta them exceptions. He wasn't able to bark a single order at me if he wanted to. I'm starting to think he's getting a little scared based on how he backs off when I mug him.


And let me just say, I'm not a complete idiot. There was only one real, valid reason Calvin Davis could've ended up in the bind he did. I haven't built up the courage to say Mama is involved with him in some way. I knew there was truth to it. I'm just disappointed that they weren't better at hiding it from me. We all saw it coming if you ask me. The cheeky flirting, little favors, and giggles were dead give aways. However, I wasn't expecting what they were doing in the dark to be revealed to me in the dark. I was envisioning a much more organized spectacle. Actually fuck that, I didn't envision shit but my married-single mother. With that being said, he obviously didn't plan to bump into me so casually. If he hadn't then what? How much longer would he be tip toeing in the dead of night while I slept? I should be asking that of both of them. Mama is not excused, but notice how I'm giving her a little more slack. I didn't want to, but it felt like a crime not to. She couldn't do any wrong in my eyes. And this was wrong..as...hell.

Speak of the devil, here she go texting me.


On the way home


Be thinking of dinner ideas

I feel like we done had everything

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