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If you don't like dark fics please don't read this.

Walking in the big conference room wasn't any different than any other day.
Since my dad retired it was me who did the speaking.
It was weird.

I step into the room I see the chairs and the big table it had a circle shape.

In the past, I was always just behind my dad on a little chair listening to the rich people talking about money.


In this place money meant everything if u didn't have enough you were equal with nothing.
The city was cut in half.
The rich people living in their expensive houses.
The others were the poor people who were living on the streets or abandoned houses.
Trying to desperately survive.
Most of them died because of hunger or got killed on the streets.
Everybody lived there like animals.
Some people sold organs. Or humans.
Sex clubs with young teenagers who got sold to some old pervert.

Drugs you could find that everywhere in the city.

They didn't even hide it anymore.

It was hard and only strong people can stay alive.

I sit down.
As the meeting starts I do a charming smile. At the other people in the room.

I start talking about the plans that I have made.
I want to help the poor people of course it will be hard and most of them won't like the idea.


I always get what I want.


"Sasuke" I hear the familiar female voice.
I turn around just to see my  "boss" right in front of me.

"One of your regular clients wants a whole night session." She said with a sly smirk.


"Yes? Which one?" I try to sound as kind as possible.
I can't fuck up again.
I don't wanna get tortured.

"It will be Danzo he was here almost a year ago he wants to see you."

"He will be here tomorrow."
She doesn't give me more information she left my room.

I start getting uncomfortable.
I was hoping that it won't be Danzo. He was the one who bought me now I am working under his name. So all the clients that pay for having some sex with me.
He will get the money.

I just get food and a roof over my head.
This or the fucking streets.

I need to shave my legs and I need a shower.
Before the next guy gets here.
I let my robe fall on the ground while I step into the shower.
I let my hair get wet I feel the water pouring down on my slim body.
I feel disgusted.

So disgusted that I start rubbing my pale skin over and over again with shower gel.
I want this to end I want to be free. I let out a big sigh before.
I slowly sink to the ground and sit there.
Feeling absolutely helpless.
I just sit there for a while.
The water isn't hot anymore but I can't even stand up.

The shower always gave me some kind of comfort.

Lost in my thoughts.

I think I will die here.

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