An old yet new face 2

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Two days later:

Narrator's POV:

Around me people were creating a faint bustle while I slowly began to regain my awareness of the world around me. I remained lying still for a few more minutes. Judging by the nearby conversations, it seemed like I had been taken to the infirmary. Slowly I opened my eyes. I lay on a bunk which had been separated from the others by curtains in my back and at my right side. To the left I could see the other patients though. The bunk next to me was empty but the one after that was occupied by a soldier with a broken and splinted leg who was playing cards with a friend who sat on the edge of his bed.

I put my hands on the mattress and hesitantly tried to push myself up into a sitting position with a groan. Almost immediately the sound attracted the attention of a nearby nurse who hurried towards me. She leaned over me with a smile.

"Hello, it's good to see that you have finally woken up. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been knocked over by a train," I groaned and could literally watch the confusion forming in her mind.

"Right...," she said, stretching out the word. "I will send notice to the one who brought you here, allright?"

I nodded and she left and walked towards the entrance. On her way she stopped Doctor Seranus and pointed towards me while she spoke to him and then she continued on her way. The doctor then made his way over and proceeded to ask me how I felt as well and then examined my pupils, my temperature and asked me to try sitting up again. I followed his request and this time, even though I still groaned, I managed to sit up slowly.

As I did so I finally gained a bit more overall view and could even see how the prince entered the tent and marched towards me with Rei and Maira at his side. They came to a halt in front of my bunk and I gave them a weak smile, Lysander looked at me and then gave me a little greeting nodd.

"Good day, my name is Lysander de la Rune. I am the one who picked you up after the battle and brought you here. What's your name?"

I watched him hesitantly. On one hand I was pretty sure that we weren't supposed to tell the people in the story we were watching who we were but then again we weren't supposed to be seen either so the usual rules sort of didn't apply to me at the moment. That and I also just didn't want to lie to him more than necessary.

"I'm Zan Lian Raiden. Thank you for taking care of me."

"No problem. Could you perhaps tell us how you got there? It was quite mysterious since it looked like you appeared straight out of thin air."

"Yeah," I chuckled nervously, "I wish I could tell you exactly what happened but unfortunately I'm not so sure about that."

I hated lying but while my name was something which wouldn't really shock him, telling him where I came from and why I was here, surely would.

"What do you mean by that? Did you lose your memories?"

That was actually a really good idea!

"Yes, partly I think. I mean, I still remember the basic stuff. Like I do know very well that I am talking to the prince of Saorsa right now but I can't remember my parent's face. Nor can I remember my home or who I actually am."

"I see. So you basically remember the sort of things that one would learn at school. What's the last thing you remember?"

I actually had to think about that for a moment. How much should I tell him?

"I remember a battlefield, I think. And a Donahue with Shadows all over his face who said something like it's time for me to be. Didn't make much sense to me though."

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