the enemy

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Unknown POV:

With heavy eyelids the warrior looked outside at the night sky. The stars were shining just as bright as they had in the night before only that at that time he had been in a completely different situation. While he now calmly rested near his family he had spent the night before in the main camp of the Donahue at the front. Thoughtfully he reminisced.

After his arrival at the camp at midnight he had made his way towards the command tent and joined the discussion of the army generals. They were planning another attack at the humans which was supposed to begin two days after. He would meet them at the front near Bilkon and attack with 300 people as soon as the sun rose. Their target was a battalion of the army whose numbers were strongly decimated due to more than half of the soldiers travelling towards the castle on command of Lord Bleddyn. Although the humans had tried to keep those circumstances a secret from the Donahue the information had leaked and by that led to the planned attack.

Just as he was about to leave after the council a hand grabbed his arm and he turned around. As he did so the person who had grabbed him let go of his arm. It had been the leader of their archers, Jerome Dovaux who had long since become his most trusted advisor amidst the Donahue generals.

"Will you join us in the fight? We could use your help."

"I do not know yet. It will depend on how things develop at my end of the line." , the warrior answered in a cold, unmoved voice which was devoid of emotion. He did not look at Jerome but instead continued to gaze into the air in front of himself like their conversation was merely a minor matter causing Jerome to grow quite agitated.

"Your end of the line, right, of course, that's what we will depend on." Jerome crossed his arms and grimaced.

"Will you ever tell us where exactly 'your end of the line' is? Or will we just have to go on trusting you and simply not questioning from where our most dangerous weapon suddenly appeared?"

Suddenly the warrior began to laugh leading to Jerome looking at him as if he was crazy.

"No, I probably won't ever tell you about where I go after each of our meetings but if you're generally asking where I came from...That I can answer."Jerome took a step closer and his look had become expectant.

"I, like so many others, am a product of the war and since you all already know that I am only half Donahue I might as well tell you that it was my mother, a human who was raped by a Donahue and as a result had me. I don't know a thing about my father though because I was raised by my mother alone."

Jerome's face clouded with confusion.

"If you were raised by your human mother and only brought to existence by such a violent act committed by one of our people then why... Why are you fighting for the side of the Donahue?"

The warrior smiled in a spine-chilling way.

"That is indeed a good and interesting question, isn't it? It is simply unfortunate that I do not feel like answering it right now, but who knows? Maybe you'll have more luck next time."

With that the warrior briefly said goodbye before disappearing in the dark yet again leaving Jerome to look after him. The general had remained on his spot like he was frozen until the first sunrays lit the world before finally turning and returning to the camp to prepare the attack.

Normal POV:

After Kiran had left I made my way over to the council chamber hoping to catch up with the prince. I stood in the corridor waiting for hours but when midnight passed and the lights were still burning behind the closed doors I decided to call it a night and returned to Kiran's momentary residence to which I had followed him earlier.

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