Chapter twenty eight: Fruit salad

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Lizzie and Robbie left for their honeymoon yesterday. Olivia and I got back to New York and today we're coming over to Scarlett's house to hang out with Rose and her a little bit before Olivia and I leave for our trip.

"Baby? Are you coming?" "Yeah, I'll be right there my love!" I yell back

I rushed down the stairs and accidently bumped into her, "Wow, hey are you okay?" she giggled at my clumsiness. "Yeah, I'm fine let's go" I shuffled awkwardly and rushed out of the house

I felt Olivia rushing after me, "Baby don't get all moody you didn't mean to bump into me" she joked

"I'm not moody i'm fine" I defended

"Whatever you say" she kissed my cheek and sat in the driver's seat.

We drove over to Scarlett's house and when we got there we quickly got out of the car not forgetting the little present we got them.

I knocked at the door and Scarlett opened it smiling brightly, "Hey!" she said before pulling us into a hug.

"Come in!" We both walked into the house, it was gorgeous.

"This is for you" Olivia said in the sweetest tone handing Scarlett a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww thank you, you both are so sweet"

"Where's Rose?" "What, you're not enjoying my company Y/L/N?"

"No, I- of course I do I-"

"I'm kidding Y/N calm down" I chuckled nervously and I was sure blushing like a tomato

"She's in her room, I'll go get her" she said before rushing upstairs.

"Nice blush babe" Olivia teased

"Shut up, how are you so calm?" "I don't know, it feels natural being in her company somehow"

"Well lucky you because I almost just shitted my pants when she glared at me like that, my god" I breathed out. "You're cute" Olivia said before booping her nose with mine, making me smile.

"Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice calling me. "Hey Rosie!" I smiled and picked her up so she could rest on my hip. She cuddled close to me and I pouted at Olivia, she's adorable.

"I feel left out" Olivia whined jokingly. "No, no i'm sorry" Rose said before wiggling out of my embrace so she could hug Olivia. Olivia smiled and picked her up, "Much better"

Scarlett smiled until her attention drew to Olivia's hand seeing the ring I got her for our anniversary. "Wait, what is this? Are you two engaged?" she asked excitedly.

"Are you married like mommy and Colin?" Rose asked and I giggled

"As much as I would love to marry her right now, no I didn't propose yet, it's a promise ring"

"Mommy what's a promise ring?" Rose asked sweetly

"A promise ring is a ring you give someone you love so much, you don't want them to leave, so you promise them you'll stay together forever even if you're not married... yet" Scarlett winked at us

"Mommy, can I have a promise ring" Scarlett laughed

"Of course you can baby" she kissed her forehead and walked to the kitchen.

"Do you want anything to drink?" she asked as she opened the fridge

"We're good, thanks though" "Seriously feel at home, You two feel like family already" she said, making both of us smile. "Mommy can they play with me upstairs?"

"Of course Rosie bear, but it's a beautiful day outside. Why don't you show them your garden?"

"Yes! Do you want to see my garden?" she squealed excitedly as her nose scrunched.

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