Chapter twenty five: New family

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A/N: Welcome to part two! <3

The front door opened slowly and everyone was watching, eager to know who it was.

"Holy shit-" I heard Olivia whisper under her breath

"Scarlett!?" I heard Lizzie squeal excitedly as Scarlett smiled at her, "Hey"

Lizzie rushed to hug her as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Woah it's good to see you too" Scarlett said with a chuckle, "What are you doing here!?" Lizzie asked with a huge smile on her face

"Well... Kevin?"

Kevin smirked and turned around to face us, "You can't say anything about this, and you already signed the contract but... someone is coming back..."

"No way" Lizzie's eyes sparkled in excitement as Scarlett nodded.

After everyone greeted her it was my turn, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

"Uhh, Hi, You probably don't even know me but i'm-"

"Y/N Y/L/N, Yes I know", Scarlett Johansson knows who I am?!

"Oh, Did Lizzie...?" "Yeah she talks about you all the time, you have some great talent, how old are you?"

"I'll be turning 21 soon" I said as I shuffled awkwardly not knowing what to do with myself.

"You got some hell of a talent, it's nice to meet you Y/N, I think we'll be working together a lot"

"It's nice to meet you too!"

"Hey i'm Olivia" ,Olivia interrupted, thank god she did this could become very awkward.

"It's nice to meet you Olivia, you play Ivy right?" "Yes ma'am"

Where did all of this confidence come from?

"You both make a great couple" Wait- how did she know?

"We, uh..." "On the show" "Oh, yeah on the show"

"Is everything okay?" she asked

Olivia looked at me and I smiled sweetly as her eyes sparkled and nodded softly signing her that it's okay to tell Scarlett, she's going to hang out with us a lot after all.

"Yeah, everything is fine, we are actually a couple in real life too"

"Oh, this is awesome! Did you like fall in love on set?" "We sure did, I fell pretty hard for this one" Olivia said making me blush

"But the media doesn't know yet so if you can like not talk about it to anyone beside the cast it would be great"

"Oh, of course I totally understand, your secret is safe with me" She smiled brightly at us as we smiled back.

"Scar, come over here!" Lizzie called her

"Well, miss sunshine over there is obviously very excited to see me back, it was nice talking to you girls" she said before walking over to Lizzie

"Baby?" "Hmm?"

"You okay?" "Yeah i'm good bub" "Okay" she whispered softly and kissed my lips.

"Everyone, I need your attention please, once again" Kevin said

"Scarlett is not the only one joining us but unfortunately the other new cast members couldn't make it this evening but you will get to see them on set next month"

We all smiled in excitement, I can't wait to meet the new cast members!

All of a sudden my phone rang, I took it out of my pocket and saw my sister's name on it, this is going to be intense.

My future (Elizabeth Olsen x Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang