The Asexual In Stress

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I opened my eyes, looking at the white ceiling above me and sighted. It has been two whole day and i didn't even know how it happened! I sat up and reached for the black satin robe i had left on my chair the night before.
We just had some innocent dinner, and as I was leaving, i vividly remember thanking them for inviting me to their house or whatever but politely declined their invitation, right?


A groan left my lips as I looked through my books on my desk to find the schedule and recalled what happened after.

They accepted that I didn't want to join them with wide smiles and didn't even look slightly sad about it, then...
Then Lexi suddenly asked me if i played games, And then i went back home to check her games out for just one moment, then London asked if i wanted to play, and i said i could stay for one round, and then two, and then it was too late and they had a suspiciously ready and clean guestroom with a desk in it, and before I knew it London somehow handled my dorm situation and i was moving and saying goodbye to my roommate, and here i am! At the exact place i said i wouldn't be. And it was so much fun that i just accepted that for the time being i was staying!
I stopped cursing under my breath when i heard a footstep near my room, looking at my door waiting for someone to enter or knock on the door, But the footsteps stopped right infront of my door and then nothing happened. A couple of seconds passed and i kept looking at the door in anticipation untill i decided it was enough and walked to the door to open it. Unfortunately the person behind the door had the same idea.

The second I got to the door it shot open right to my face and a pain like no other made me shout and fall back trying to determine if my nose was broken or not. I heard a small yelp as small cold hands helped me in a sitting position.

_ oh my god I'm sorry what can I do?

A terrified high pitched voice asked and i honestly answered:

_ just put your hands on my nose.

Before i could comprehend what a ridiculous thing I've said, i felt her cold hands on my nose and just then i managed to open my eyes and look at the most adorable goth girl i have ever met in my entire life! She was petite with big green eyes and round face. And OH MY GOS WAS SHE CUTE! she looked like she was a little goth fairy! Do you know how cute you must be to actually look cute and not hot in goth?! Man, she was adorable!

I opened my mouth to speak but before i could let a word out, she suddenly shouted:


_ Nice to meet you asexual! I'm Julia!

I answered without missing a beat. Dad would be so proud!

She looked like she was about to cry so i quickly took her hands and added:

_ you must be Nadia! I am really glad to meet you and believe me i totally support you! You don't have to be nervous, i promis.

Her lips started trembling and right then and there i knew there was nothing i could do to prevent what was goind to happen, and exactly as I feared she started crying.

_ I...I...I wanted... you to like me and prepared thins whole scenario for when we met and how i was gonna tell you i was asexual in between the lines...
I hugged her trying to supress the "awwww".

_ And then i opened the door to you face distroying your nose and shouted it to your face and... and...

She was now crying even more and i
had absolutely no idea what to answer.


I looked up to see Lexi standing in my doorway and looking just as helpless as i was.

We locked eyes and both instantly knew that we were thinking about the exact same thing.

_ don't worry Sarah knows what to do.

Lexi told me silently and i shook my head helplessly and gulped.

Was it my dad joke? It was probably my dad joke. Damn my dad jokes!

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