17: First Valentines

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"I get it."

"We'll meet up this weekend when we work on your book though, right?"

He nodded.

"Alright. See you then."

"See you then."

Whenever Liam stepped out into the cold air and closed the door behind him, Harry looked at the little card in his hand. Immediately, he smiled again. Just when he thought he successfully got this man out of his head for the day, he'd found his way in through a bouquet of red roses. Right away, he reached forward, took out a rose and began to smell it.

Whether this meant anything romantic on Zayn's part or not, here as it stood, the man who helped father his child just gifted him the flower of love on Valentine's Day. Was he wrong to think it could mean more? Could anything really ever come of them the second time around when a scenario like that seemed more impossible than likely?

Perhaps. But then again, seeing and getting along with Zayn ever again seemed impossible too. And now look where they were.

* * *

"Do you hate me?"

Zayn had looked back at Louis after he'd just put on his underwear.

"Hate you? No. Why would I hate you?"

"Because this wasn't as romantic as it could have been. I'm your first real date, and we bailed on dinner just for me to end up sucking your dick."

"That's no reason to hate you."

"It is when you've never dated before. That means you've never celebrated Valentine's Day with anyone before."


"So... I should have went to dinner and then we could have come back and did that."

"It's not too late to go to dinner. It's just eight o'clock."

"You'd still take me out?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Louis shrugged.

"I don't know. You just seemed aloof. I always get this feeling that you're waiting on something."

Zayn scratched the back of his neck.

"Why do you always say that? What could I possibly be waiting on?"

"Something more. It's like... Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough for you. But I want to be. I asked you out for drinks that day because I like you. I want to meet your friends and your family and I want you to do the same for me."

"I don't have friends. I'm too busy for friends."

"But you have a family. You talk about your parents all the time."

"You've met my dad. He came up to the store a few times after you were hired."

"Yeah. But that's professionally. I mean personally. Your mom too."

Louis got out of bed and came over to him. Then he wrapped his arms around him.

"I just want to know that your parents would be okay with me seeing you. Meeting them on a personal level will tell me that. So I would love to do it sometime soon. When you're ready of course. But hopefully that's soon."

Zayn turned in his arms and smiled down at him.

"Maybe. But for now, I am pretty hungry. We'd better pick somewhere to eat and go."

"Do you feel like getting messy?"

"Depends. What did you have in mind?"


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