Kovachi Ciba (Kova)

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Name: Kovachi Ciba

Nickname: Kova

Gender: Male

Sexuality: (Depends on the RP)

Race: Goblin

Class: Bard

Appearance/Height: 3'5 (appearance is up above)

Background/Ethnicity: Romani (Gypsy)

Personality: Kova tends to be outgoing though sometimes is shy when it comes to certain situations. He is slightly not quite right due to some past trauma but overall enjoy life to the fullest. He enjoys performing for others through dance, song, and instruments. He enjoys dancing with others no matter what gender and enjoys making new friends. When overwhelmed Kova will either panic, cry, or lash out sometimes physically but never to another being.

Likes: Dancing, Singing, Drinking, Games, Jokes, Pranks, Friends, Bright colors, Shiny things, Animals.

Dislikes: Dark colors, Authority, Rude people, Confinement, Quiet, Bullies.

Flaws/Weakness: A not-so-stable mentality, The need for approval, Little self-awareness or care for self, Sometimes lashes out, Unable to handle strong emotions easily.

Strengths: Social situations in need of humor, Making friends, The arts.

Family: (Depends on the rp)

Friends: (Depends on the rp)

Pets: None

Other info: N/A

Background/Past: (Depends on rp)

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