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It's been a year since the Jeagers adopted Mikasa and (Y/N). The both of them didn't come out of their room for the first couple of days because Mikasa was still down about what happened and (Y/N) was comforting her. The two didn't mind sharing a room but because the Jeagers weren't expecting a new addition to their family, (Y/N) and Mikasa were sharing a bed. They didn't mind because they used to fall asleep together on the couch when they still lived with the Ackermans

Erwin Smith, one of the captains of the Survey Corps, found out about (Y/N) and him killing the kidnappers with a katana and wanted to train (Y/N) because of it. The Jeagers didn't accept at first but at the end of the day, they let Erwin train (Y/N) to become a soldier. (Y/N)'s training was done 5 times a week with 2 days as a break

Today was (Y/N)'s second break and he wanted to spend time with Mikasa. Carla tasked Eren and Mikasa to fetch firewood for the night. Of course (Y/N) went with them to make sure Mikasa was safe. Eren was sleeping under a tree and Mikasa noticed he was having a bad dream so she tried to wake him up

Mikasa: Eren! Eren!!

Eren finally woke up but a tear ran down his cheek. (Y/N) noticed that he was crying and went to ask why

(Y/N): Oi, Eren. Are you ok? Did you have a nightmare that bad?

Eren: Huh? (Y/N), did you cut your hair? and... Mikasa, since when, was your hair so long?

(Y/N) wore a stoic face like always yet his blue eyes showed concern for the boy. Mikasa remained expressionless but there was a slight confusion written on her face

(Y/N): Eren, are you okay? You're crying...

Eren: Huh?

The brown-haired boy touched his cheek only to feel a tear run down. His eyes went wide as multiple questions filled his mind

Eren: Huh? Nevermind. Don't tell anyone I was crying!

(Y/N): Why were you crying anyways?

Eren: I-I don't know...

Timeskip (Sorry I skipped the Hannes scene)

As we were walking back home, the bell rang loudly

Eren: Come on guys! Let's go! Our heroes are back

The young Jeager jumped up and down in excitement and ran towards the gate. (Y/N) and Mikasa looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing to follow the brown-haired kid

When they arrived, they saw Eren trying to look at the arriving scouts

Eren: I can't see them!

Eren looked at his side and saw crates he can stand on but was surprised when he was lifted. (Y/N) saw Eren struggling and decided to help him. The blue-eyed boy lifted Eren. Eren was sitting on (Y/N)'s right shoulder

Eren: Eh?!?

(Y/N): You're welcome

The black-haired boy replied nonchalantly. Mikasa decided to climb the crates so she can see the scouts better. When they finally saw the scouts they saw that many were injured, some were still in shock, some had angry looks on their faces and a few had an expressionless face

A woman arrived calling her son's name and asked the Commander where her son was. The Commander only looked back to one of the scouts and whispered

Scout Commander: It's his mother. Bring it here...

The scout nodded and went to the cart and brought something in a white cloth. The scout then gave the object in a white cloth to the woman. The woman slowly peeled the cloth off to reveal a severed arm. The woman fell to he knees and cried

This saddened (Y/N) as it reminds him of Kenzie and Katie's deaths. He put the brown-haired boy down and it confused Mikasa and Eren.

(Y/N): Sorry... I'll just go back home. I'll wait for both of you there

As the boy talked, Mikasa saw the saddened state of her best friend and long-time crush. She finally understood why he was down and went to follow him. (Y/N) didn't realize Mikasa was following him and continued to go to his special place

When he finally reached his special place without noticing Mikasa, (Y/N) sat down under a tree and closed his eyes. Mikasa finally made her presence known

Mikasa: (Y/N)?

The Black-haired boy opened his eyes and saw Mikasa's black-gray eyes staring back at him

(Y/N): Mikasa? How did you find me here?

Mikasa: I... I kinda followed you... sorry

The older boy only smiled sweetly at her

(Y/N): Cute. It's fine. Come sit with me

Mikasa sat down next to the blue-eyed boy and rested her head on his shoulders. The boy blushes at the younger girl's action but covered his blush by covering his face with his baby blue scarf

(Y/N) slowly relaxed and closed his eyes. He and Mikasa looked relaxed and looked like they give no fucks about the world. The Black-haired boy took a deep breath and sang

Mikasa looked at the boy in awe. She never heard him sing before. His voice was soothing and calm. The meaning behind the song was deep and caring

Finally finishing the song, (Y/N) took deep breaths and opened his eyes. His blue eyes met with Mikasa's gray ones filled with care and pain. They stared at each other before (Y/N) put a hand on her cheek. He smiled at her

(Y/N): Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?

Mikasa blushed at his compliment and tried to cover her face with the red scarf (Y/N) gave her but the boy stopped her, holding her wrist. The older boy's eyes began to water

(Y/N): I'm sorry...

He apologized, confusing Mikasa. Tears ran down his cheek but he was still caressing the girl's cheek

(Y/N): I'm sorry I couldn't save them...

Finally realizing what (Y/N) was talking about, Mikasa held both (Y/N)'s hands in hers

Mikasa: H-hey hey hey, look at me. (Y/N) look at me

(Y/N) looked at Mikasa, tears falling freely on his cheeks. Mikasa too was crying. After Kenzie and Katie's deaths, they never really talked about the subject that much due to the pain it caused

Mikasa: I-It wasn't you're fault. Ok? It wasn't...

Mikasa hugged (Y/N) as he cried quietly. (Y/N) hugged her back by placing her on his lap and just cried as she embraced him. Mikasa knew that he only shows his emotions with her a no one else. She too only showed her emotions with him and no other

After a few minutes, they separated and went back home. On the way back, they found Eren and went home together

The Ruler of Titans (Mikasa Ackerman x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now