The Militia

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Murphy had to stop himself from laughing when some jaws hit the floor. It was quite clear this was not what Kane had been expecting. A few giggles rose from the crowd when he started stuttering. "Wait, what? But- how? I don't... I thought it would be the guard's son to start this... band of misfits. You can't call them Guards now can you? You're just children!" The laughing died down fast enough. Clarke just shook her head, smiling all the way. 

"My Militia is indeed nothing like the Guard of the Arc. And my pride for them only grows because of that. Now if you're quite done insulting me, shall we move on with the match?" She asked, moving to stand in the center of the ring. None of the Hundred had ever seen her fight before but seeing as she had been trained by her General, no one was overly worried about her. Raven's appointed guard looked even more worried than before. Not only did he have to fight a girl but the current Chancellor's daughter no less. Abigail Griffin would have his head if anything happened to her.

Miller however didn't trust the Guard as far as he could spit. None of the Arc in fact. Certainly not when it came to Clarke. He admired her willingness to leave the past behind them. After all, those that had come down only a month ago had nothing to do with the Exodus ship... He hoped. Meanwhile Harper had gone up to Clarke, whispering in her ear. Clarke nodded and gestured to Nathan. "You wanted to fight the one who formed the Militia, how about you fight the one responsible for it instead?"

The relief rushing over the guard's face was short lived when Miller removed his shirt. Harper blushed as she looked at him. He was by no means bulky but still projected strength in his stance. He flexed his muscles while Griffin took her place by the sidelines. This was Murphy's territory. "The rules are simple. Fight fair! No weapons, no hidden surprises. Bare knuckles only. Not beneath the belt and no dirty boxing. Shirts are to be removed by order of the cleaning crew, tired of having to sew them back together." Cheers could be heard from said group, glad they finally got their way. "Anyone who doesn't follow these rules WILL answer to me! And the punishment will befit the crime."

Felix, Raven's guard, grew ashen when Miller's tools joined his shirt on the floor. His pants looked two sizes too small afterwards. Scars from previous fights littered his chest and stomach. An old hunting wound, scarring his entire right shoulder from collarbone to spinal cord was seen when he turned to give a furiously blushing Harper his things. Felix was soon after forced to abandon his upper clothing and weapons belt. They had had some boxing sessions during Guards training but it was never needed.

Murphy stepped into the ring along with the contestants. Since the founding of this new tradition, he had been its referee, dealing out punishments to those who believed to be above the rules. "Alright fellas, we'll make this easy. First to end up with his ass on the ground loses. Fair enough?" Both nodded. "Good. Positions, Fight!"

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