IV. ꜱᴄɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ

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science class

( .˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ . )

Y/n impatiently tapped her fingers on the hard, brown desk of her last lesson of the rest of the week, science.

"The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, and fun fact about it-"

The sound of the science teacher turned into a blurred mess to Y/n as she kept flicking her eyes at the clock above the whiteboard.

"10 minutes," Y/n thought as a yawn escaped her lips.
I don't know if I can wait that long." She rolled her eyes.

"I know it's last period on a Friday, and your all very tired but I hope you've been taking notes because as you know there will be a short test on it Monday." The science teacher exclaimed.

Y/n's eyes widened as she scanned the rest of the classroom for their reactions, biting her lip worriedly. Suddenly a notebook slid in front of the girl. Y/n looked beside her to see a pale boy she didn't even notice was sitting next to her.

"We were told about the test on Tuesday, but I assume you weren't listening." The boy smiled softly, making sure to keep his voice down.

Y/n's cheeks turned a slight pink colour as she embarrassedly took the notes given by the boy.

"Thank you so much," Y/n nervously, but greatly muttered. "But don't you need them?"

"I've already memorised them, it's ok."

Y/n finally met the boy's gaze as a sense of guilt fell over her for not noticing him. Now she finally had a good look at him she couldn't help but admire his beauty. He was slim with a perfect jaw line, his eyes looked like a deep ocean, being a dark blue, his hair was a dark brown that looked soft and fluffy, his skin was clear despite the small dark circles under his eyes, his lips looked soft and were a light pink shade, and his teeth were perfectly white, just everything about him seemed perfect. Y/n almost wanted to cry.

"Is everything ok?" He asked nervously as Y/n realised she was staring for too long.

"Yeah sorry, you're just so beautiful." Y/n blushed, a sense of embarrassment rushing over her as she realised what she said.

His eyes widened and he looked away, his face turning fully pink. There was a bit of awkward silence before Y/n decided to speak again.

"Uh, so, what's your name?" She asked sheepishly.

"I'm Killian." He happily exclaimed, gaining back his confidence.

"Nice to meet you, that's such a nice name. I'm Y/n."

"I know." Killian said softly smiling at you.

Y/n was a bit taken aback by this response and obviously struggled to hide it as Killian grew panicked by the girl's response.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just mean I've been sitting next to you for a few months now and I've heard the teacher say your name."

"A few months?!" Guilt washed over Y/n once again as she didn't even notice him once.

"Oh yeah that makes sense... sorry.." Y/n fiddly exclaimed, looking down at her hands.

"It's ok, I understand if you don't know me, we've only spoken once before." Killian gently explained.

Y/n looked back at him, trying to figure out when it was she met him. "Omg, I met you at the library a few months ago!" Y/n excitedly stated.

He softly smiled, happy the girl remembered him.


Killian's long elegant fingers brushed over the shelves full of books. Northlake likes every part of the school to be perfect, so there are many magnificent parts of it - to Killian, and a lot of other students, the library was the best part of the school.

He left the aisle he was in and turned to the next one. His eyes met a confused h/c girl desperately searching the shelves. Killian didn't spare her another glance, walking past her, trying to find a certain author.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice spoke, causing Killian to turn to the noise. He met the girl's gaze, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" Killian asked.

"Do you know where the books on World War II are? I've been looking through all the aisles near here for 35 minutes and I can't find any."

"Yeah, it's actually on the other side," He pointed to the a different section of the very large library.

Y/n's eyes widened, her face dropping. "That make more sense, I've been looking for ages."

"This is actually the geography section." Killian smiled.

"Thank you so much, I'm so sorry for wasting your time." Y/n embarrassedly murmured, her back now facing the boy as she was about to walk away.

"If you want," a soft voice stopped Y/n from moving as she turned around to face the boy, "I can show you the section? You might get lost again."

"That'd be a huge help" Y/n happily whispered, meeting the tall boys gaze once again.


"I'm glad you remember." Killian grinned.

Y/n softly smiled back. There was an awkward silence between the two before Killian went to say something.

"I was actually wondering if-" The loud sound of the school bell interrupted Killain's sentence and signalled it was the end of the day. Y/n happily got up and started packing her things, Killian however didn't feel as happy, as his conversation with the girl was cut off. Suddenly, Y/n turned back to Killian.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" She asked politely, guilty she didn't wait for him to finish before moving.

Killian shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Ok, well.. see you next week?" Y/n waved, parting ways.

"Yep, see you next week." Killian stated, watching as the girl hurried out of the classroom.
"I'll be seeing you a lot sooner." He mumbled, a hint of light appearing in his eyes.

𝐍𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐔𝐓, 𝐍𝐎 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 || yandere x f. reader ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora