
Mulai dari awal

"...The premise attracts me. One of the best assassins in London is about to encounter a florist hoping to end a war and might spark a romance with him along the way... The smooth writing style and the plot promised in the blurb has me anticipating how you'll execute this story." RavingBlack

"The fact that you accurately described the dystopian, post-apocalyptic London is outstanding... you're a brilliant writer, I must say. I wasn't bored once while reading this book. You portrayed the effects of war on individuals, the environment and humanity in general. War and rage makes us monsters and devolves humanity... I'm completely hooked as it has my rapt attention." IamRegal

"...There's more to this book than perfect grammar. The imagery is fluid... But to create great imagery that appears effortless? As if the writer just flicked their wrist and it flowed out? That's skill. That's talent. That's art." RoryBaptiste

"For once, since I've been doing these reviews, I'm actually interested in seeing how this story unfolds, and as I'm not a fan of third person, that's saying something! You've created an interesting world here. Keep up the great work!" BrittaSwann

"The way that the author uses language and descriptive details make it seem as though you know everything about the character and then one word can change your whole opinion about him... The world that the author creates is a very memorable and very picturesque..." _mapl3

"Who doesn't love a semi-post-apocalyptic story with a strong-willed main lead? I loved the introduction of this book, the characters and their setting. From the first page this book hooked me in... This story is quite interesting and it stayed on my mind long after I finished the current chapters. Each chapter made me curious about what's coming next. Good job. I am looking forward to the rest of the book." unstablebibliophile

"Not only is the world-building amazing, but the descriptions throughout really add to the story and the contrast between the normal and the chaotic... There is no light-hearted fluff, or cute baking moments for these two characters, but that doesn't make them any less interesting or worthy of a read." Spruce_Goose

"...Your story is well-written with descriptions that jump off the page, nicely interwoven and rich worldbuilding that is readily accessible to the reader without the need to understand a bunch of made-up words or renaming of everyday items... With the worldbuilding in line with the speed of the plot, providing detail when we need it, and a main characters that are interesting and we empathize with, this is a story that should draw lots of reader interest." MGhicks_reloaded

"I really like the tone and plot of this story, and I appreciate the clear hard work that's gone into editing." tarishannon18 

"You have a huge amount of talent, from your imagination with such a unique plot to your well-rounded characters and gorgeous descriptions. There are so many strengths that you show case in these first three chapters alone. I think you've done a fantastic job and should be really proud of this story." SamiCoops 

"The flow, on its own, is excellent. I can tell that from the very first chapter, which you start off with brilliant characters and brilliant dialogue and some of the best pacing I've come across on Wattpad in a long time." LucyAnnWrites

"I love the scene you're setting and you seem to nail characters quickly and with hardly any words. Fantastic!" dtaylorbooks_ 

"From the gripping scenes to the out-of-the-box outfits, everything promised by the blurb splashes into the plot with a steampunk Romeo and Juliet vibe. I as the reader was instantly hit with the raging madness curated by the Veritas and the Syndicate... The way you piece together words to describe conflict with a flow of syntax and descriptive diction shows the time and effort you poured in to create this plot that had me diving into this novel." sodapopxtreme

"You've developed your two, main characters very nicely, especially Ren. I really enjoy the idea of a dystopian London, and I also enjoy how you're taking the LGBTQ+ approach with your two MCs." CroodsGirl

"I've never read anything like this before, and I'm in love... I can never get enough of your way with words. All I know is I want to flip the pages as quickly as possible. You are super talented. The emotions were described beautifully... Your characters are crafted to perfection. I was touched at each scene, their emotional development was seen and I felt each and every one of them." ItsBangtanBeaches

And that's that! If you weren't dying to read They Who Slaughtered Hope before, are you itching to get to the first chapter now?

Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, TWSH awaits!╭ >

Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, TWSH awaits!╭ >

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