Chapter I

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Character list in last chapter. Look back if you forget the names:)

The Devil's real, you see,

He's just like you and me,

He is not a little red man with horns.


Tobias POV

We entered the school, me at the head like usual. This disgusting smoke-filled school froze as we entered the cafeteria. Girls stared- Gross- boys, glared. But who cares. My brothers all looked around, taking in the ugly tan walls, the tables full of pierced and tattooed kids. The girls are wearing skimpy clothes, and the boys are looking ready to murder. Dyed hair and scuffed knees.

"Disgusting," Bannahell Growled, his nose curling in disgust. He was tall, muscled, and tattooed. Beautiful with dark brown hair and slightly tanned skin. He was one year younger than me. I was the oldest out of the seven of us.

"I agree," Romeo added. He was short, about 5'7, and the youngest. His hair was a light blond, almost white color and his features were slightly feminine.

I glanced around, my eyes landing on a group of boys. They all sat side by side, all the tables next to them were empty. My eyes locked with two very grey storms. I froze. The boy was tall, with slight stubble on his chin, high cheekbones, and a well-defined jawline. He crossed his muscled arms and didn't break eye contact with me. He had a small tattoo peeking out from the collar of his white stained shirt.

"Tobias," groaned a voice. I turned Alias and raised an eyebrow. Alias was the same age as Ban; he was born due to our father's affair on a trip to Asia. But he was still one of my dear little brothers. His eyes were a honey-green. His skin was pale, and his eyes almond-shaped.

"I'm hungry!" He groaned. I sighed and started towards one of the empty tables next to the group of seven. Everybody froze and waited in silence. I sat down at the table on the left of theirs. My brothers sat down around me.

"We'll save your spot," Lancaster said. Lancaster was 6'2, muscled and tattooed. He and Bannahell we're twins. Same hair color and the same deep blue eyes.

Alias grinned and took off away from our table. Lys leaned back and glared over at something. Lysander was the fifth oldest, with Ink black hair and forest green eyes. He was as unapproachable as the rest of us and just as handsome. He rarely said a word, and when he did, it was one word unless he was insulting you. Charming, I know. I glanced behind me and saw the hot muscled man walking over to us. All my brothers leaned forward, looking as interested as they could except for Bannahell and Romeo.

"Wonderful," mumbled Mordecai, "just what we need a guest!" He was taller than me and the fourth oldest. His hair was dyed white; his black roots were sticking. He had pale skin, as pale as snow, and eyes as green as the summer grass. He was handsome... Like all of us.

"An uninvited guest," I replied. Alias, at that moment, came bounding back; he didn't even glance at the handsome beast and sat down. Lancaster glanced at his food.

"Back off Lancaster!" Alias growled, picking up his fork and stabbing it in his direction. The boy sighed, and I glanced back over at him.

"What do you want?" I asked. My brothers went silent.

"Your name," he replied.

I turned my body to face him and leaned against the tabletop. A grin grew on my face.

"Tobias," I replied, "Tobias Hellmen."

The boy narrowed his eyes, and I felt my heart flutter. Bad gay Heart!

"Sebastian," he muttered, "Sebastian Cross."

I grinned.

"Great!" I praised, "now fuck off."

I turned back around and listened to him stalk off. What a little bitch.


Sebastian POV

I glanced back over at the new kids. They were all talking to each other quietly. The Asian one let out a laugh, and I watched as Ravi Kirsi turned to face him. Ravi was tall, lean muscled, with long curly brown hair. His chocolate eyes stared in disbelief.

"Seems you had an interesting conversation," Slater stated. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my food. Slater was short, had dark brown hair, and his eyes were an odd light blue color. His nose was crooked like it had been broken multiple times. But he was still handsome.

"What'd he say?" Asked, Raphael gestured at the smallest of the boys. His ink-black hair was curly, and when he turned to look at me, I was mesmerized by his honey-colored eyes. Holy fucking hell! He had my full attention as soon as he entered the room. He gave me a sly grin and turned back to the others. They all had to be related.

"What hotty's," Moonshine sighed. I glanced over at him. His honey-colored hair hid his brown eyes. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help nodding in agreement.

"Too bad, they don't seem to be social," stated  Gabriel. I narrowed my eyes at him. Gabriel was by far one of the best looking out of us. However, his face was a little feminine, with a soft jawline and round eyes. He was tall and covered from head to toe in tattoos. He even had one on his face that said Fuck Off. He had a thing of playing with his nose ring, which he was doing right now.

"Shut up, all of you." We all turned to see the most pretty boy out of the school: long white hair, ocean-colored eyes, and pale snow-white skin. Michael reached up and pulled his collar up, sinking farther into his seat. "They can hear us, you idiots!"

We all looked back at them. The tanned tattooed one was staring at Michael, seemingly interested. That's when he stood up and started walking towards us. Michael groaned. The boy stopped and glanced back.

"Bannahell!" Called out Tobias, who looked faintly worried. The boy- Bannahell, just shrugged and walked straight up to Michael. He circled the table to Michael's side and leaned down.

"Quite a pretty one, aren't you?" Bannahell asked. Michael froze. We all did. Nobody had ever done this before. I saw a faint blush On Michael's cheeks.

"Bannahell!" Called out another. Bannahell glanced up and straightened.

"Stuff a sock in Lancaster!"

Lancaster narrowed his eyes.

"Quit flirting, Ban!" Called out another.

Bannahell rolled his eyes, leaned down once more, and pressed his nose to Michael's neck.

"Goodbye, my little Angel," he whispered and walked off.

"What a creep!" Raphael shouted, breaking the silence. We didn't say a word and just nodded in agreement, except Michael, who looked like a tomato.

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, and Michael never did that. How odd...

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