Chapter 22

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1 year later

"Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?"

"No", Jayden chuckled.

It was the end of summer and It was also the day. The day that I didn't want to come so badly. The day Jayden was leaving me, he was going away to college.

"Okay at least call me every week"

"No, scratch that, everyday. Call me everyday"

He chuckled, stopped packing and turned to me.

"I will call everyday and night"


He hugged me and that's when the water works came.

"I'm gonna miss you. You're my bestfriend, and it is as hard for me as it is for you. I don't wanna be away from you"

"But you have to. Its not everyday you get a scholarship to Duke university"

"Still can't believe it"

"I can, you've always been the smarter one"

"Yea", he smiled shaking his head.

"You've always been the dork too"

He laughed, playfully pushing me.

"I'm really gonna miss you" he sighed, actually letting it soak in.

"Yeah, well you better go before I lock you in here, so you can't leave"

He laughed.

I helped him carry his luggage downstairs, where there is everybody.

"Well I better go"

"Bye Jayden, I'll be taking your room", Ahlia said.

"But you have your own", he chuckled.

"I know, I need at least something to remember you by"

"Come here" he said softly, wrapping his arms around her.

She squeezed him back.

He said goodbye to everyone else, and when he got to Aiden, he whispered something in his ear.

Then he walked to the front door with Maliah and my parents.

"Bye everybody"

"Bye", we all replied.

Then they left.

"Well that was sad" Hannah said, putting her arm over my shoulder, leading me to the couch.

I rest my head on hers, "yeah" I sighed, pulling Ahlia to sit on me and she cuddled into me.

We all sat on the couch, silent for awhile.

"I went on a date", Miles blurted.

"Wait. Really?", I replied shockingly.

That news shocked me and everyone else in the group. Miles is not one to date though I wouldn't be mad if he actually got his life together and stopped playing girls.

"No, I just thought that would break the silence"

"Have you ever heard of the story of the boy who cried sheep?", Ryan asked.

"No?..." Miles answered questionably.

"Makes sense"

"That's because there isn't one", Ruby remarked.

"It's the boy who cried wolf", Aiden added.



"Makes sense"

"You make sense", Miles spoke.


"Wait no, that came out wrong. You don't make sense"

"Its too late for that kid", Ruby said patting his back.

"I know", he admitted sadly.

"Well we gotta go", Ryan got up, referring to him and Hannah.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"He's taking me on a date, we'll talk later", she whispered, getting up also walking out the door.

Hannah and Ryan officially got back together and I feel like their strongef than before. Relationship goals, am I right?

"Can't believe we're gonna be seniors on Monday", Miles sighed happily.

"And your excited for that?"

"You aren't?", he looked at me.

"Not really"

"I honestly just wanna get out of here and study basketball professionally"

"That's good that you have a goal. You know what else you could have?


"A girlfriend"

"So that she can follow me around like a lost puppy. No thank you"

"Sometimes its good to have that kind of comfort", Aiden said looking at me briefly before looking away.

"Sure", he replied still not fully agreeing with us.

"Anyways... I gonna head out" he continued, "my mom's making pasta. Later muchachos"

He got up and walked to the door.

"Bring me back some!", I yelled just as the door closed.

"So what now?", Ahlia asked.

"Wanna watch tv?"


"Any suggestions?"

I turn on the tv, putting it on Netflix.

"Let's watch Carmen Sandiego" she chirped as soon as Netflix opened.

"What is it about?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know, the description is on there", she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Okay, no need for the attitude missy" he replied playfully poking her side, making her giggle.

And that's how we spent our day, watching the entire season of Carmen Sandiego. With Ahlia in my arms and Aiden's arm around my shoulder.


We spent the entire day watching this series. Its now 10:00pm and all the lights are off, only the tv illuminating the dark.

Ahlia is asleep on my chest and Aiden is sleeping on the couch.

I gently woke her up and took her up to her room.

When I came back downstairs, Aiden was still asleep, fully stretched out on the couch where I once sat. I slightly shook him awake.

Instead of getting up, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me unto him.

"Aiden", I groaned.

He just hugged me tighter and even in the dimly lit room, I could still see a slight smirk on his lips.

I also knew that there was no use in fighting, so I got comfortable and snuggled deeper in his arms.

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