Chapter 5

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I made it to the party, safely.

Thank God.

Ryan was driving extremely fast, I'm surprised he didn't get pulled over.

"We're here", Ryan says.

"How do you deal with him?", I jokingly ask Hannah.

"Honestly, I don't even know"

"Can you guys stop talking about me like I'm not here"

As we walked closer to the house, the music got louder, and my heart started to race.

Hannah probably noticed my nervousness and held my hand.

"You'll be fine", she reassured me.

I took a deep breath as we entered the house.

The house was packed with people I recognized from school.

"Let's get a drink", Hannah suggested.

I nodded.

"I'll meet up with you guys", Ryan said.

"Ok", hannah responded.

We headed to the kitchen, where all the drinks were kept on the counter.

"Take a shot with me", Hannah suggested .


"Oh c'mon just one, and then I'll drink alone"

I sighed and took it, "just one", she nodded.

I raised the cup to my head, and swallowed the substance.

I winced as it burned all the way down my throat.

I coughed, "What is that?"


"It burns"

"Then its working"

"What?", I laughed.

"Wanna dance?"

She grabs my arm just as I'm about to say no, she pulls me into the living room where everyone is dancing with or on each other.


Aiden's P.O.V
We arrived at the party about 30 minutes after leaving my house.

"Superman did not die though", Miles said.

"Yes he did", Ruby responded.

"Oh my gosh"

"If he didn't die then explain justice league, when they life"

"At the end of batman vs superman, it showed he wasn't dead"

"Can you guys like stop!", I exclaimed.

They've been at this batman vs superman thing the entire ride leading up to us walking to the house.

"Well can you please tell Ruby that I'm right"

"Your not though", Ruby responded.

"Shut up", I groaned as we walked into the house.

We went to a corner where people were not dancing, but a few were making out.

"Yea you guys have fun, I'm gonna find some chick to smash, peace", he put up the peace signs walking away from us.

"You want something to drink?", Miles asked.

"Yea sure"

"Nothing too strong though", I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Miles", he laughed and walked away.

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