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Halfway through their training session, Cassian crosses his hands over his chest and announces that Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn will start learning how to use daggers.

Gwyn can feel a shadow on the back of her neck, but she does not look to where Azriel stands, on the other side of the training ring. This feels like the first test of the mission, whether she can keep her composure, keep their secrets.

She decides to show him that she's more than capable of pulling it off.

"Haven't we already learned the basics? Why not a bow and arrow?" she calls to Cassian, pantomiming herself pulling a bowstring.

"You can ask Az," Cassian drawls, with a smile that makes her certain Azriel let him in on more than a few details about their mission.

Already, Azriel has crossed the training ring, the other priestesses in the middle of a conditioning circuit. When he reaches their group, he looks over the three of them, already poised to begin.

"A dagger is a weapon of close range and last resort. We've focused on the sword, but it's time you learned some more advanced maneuvers with the dagger," he says, crossing his arms over his chest with just enough of a smirk on his lips that Gwyn is sure she's not imagining it. "There are times when your sword will be knocked away, or when you won't want to advertise your ability to fight. Then, you'll be glad you had these lessons. Now grab a practice dagger and partner up."

Gwyn looks to Emerie, the way she always does, knowing Nesta will pair up with Azriel, the way she always does with Cassian, only to find her friends walking towards each other.

Before she can say anything, Nesta calls out, "Az? Gwyn needs a partner."

He meets her eye and there's a question in it, and Gwyn lets out a breath, relieved that she doesn't need to explain all her little weaknesses. She nods.

Only then does he walk towards her, tossing her a wooden practice dagger.

She makes a point of catching it squarely in the palm of her hand, the tip pointed straight at him. To show him that his initial lessons have paid off.


She only grins, feeling the blush on her cheeks, hot and childish, as if desire has cut her age in half.

Azriel moves smoothly into a review of the basic stances, attacks, and blocks, demonstrating them on Gwyn. His hand on her, at her shoulder or in the middle of her back, is light, so that she knows she could easily step out of his grip.

"You don't have to be quite so gentle with me," she says, once the instruction is done and Nesta and Emerie have started practicing together, not nearly as tentative as Azriel was with her.

"You're still new to this. I don't want you to get hurt." His eyes are intent on hers, the sunlight bringing out the green in them. "I wasn't going to throw you to the ground."

For a second, her breath catches, because she's definitely pictured that scene in the training ring, although they're alone and it's dark and their weapons and clothes are quickly discarded. In her fantasies, she is never afraid of anything. She knows what it is to be with a male, and claims her pleasure without hesitation.

Now, though, she quickly composes herself and says, so low that nobody else can hear: "Aren't you going to have to trust me on this mission?"

The dagger descends, faster than thought, and Gwyn whirls into her block, aiming for Azriel's neck, but his hand is on her wrist and her feet are off the ground as he flips her over his shoulder and onto the mat.

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