*Give him a chance*

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Roxane's POV

When I got home I ran up to Kat's Room. 

"Kat" I sang, she was sitting on her bed hiding under her covers. 

I jumped on her bed and started tickling her. Her laugh was contagious and I started laughing too. Once I thought she learned her lesson I stopped. We lay on her bed looking up at the ceiling. 

"Kat? Why did you leave me there with him?" I asked. 

"I have a boyfriend" she smiled. 

I hit her arm "How did you know he was going to ask me out?" I questioned. 

"I saw it in his face. Some boys make an' I'm getting this date, there's no way she'll turn me down' face. I saw it and I knew how much you would hate it and I made my escape" she explained. 

" You're evil" I turned to her.

" I know" she smiled. 

*Next Day* 

It was Saturday and I decided to work on my car. It needed its oil changed and so did Kat's so I was just going to spend the day changing oil. 

I was under my car draining the oil out when I heard someone walk up to my car. I looked to see those huge dumb combat boots. I rolled my eyes and rolled out from under the car. There stood Patrick looking down at me. 

"Hey girly" he smirked. 

I got up, I knew I had oil all over my hands and face. 

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked. I stood there squinting at him. 

"I didn't I was walking around the neighborhood and saw your car" he was lying. 

"Bullsh*t" I scoffed. 

"Ok, I asked your sister and she was more than happy to let me know where and how you spend your Saturday's" he paused, "working on cars" he gestured to my car. 

"Which one?" I asked. 


"Which sister?" I asked again. 

"Oh um, Bianca" I knew it. 

"Also what's wrong with spending your Saturday changing the oil in your car?" I questioned. 

He shifted from side to side kind of nervously. I raised my eyebrow at that. 

"Nothing it's just most girls would be at the mall" he laughed.

"Well, I'm not like those bubble-headed girls at school who insist on buying clothes that would fit a 2-year-old. Just so boys like Joey will notice me and ask me out for a quick f*ck" I snapped. 

It finally worked, his mask broke and I could see he was frustrated with me. I smiled on the inside knowing this would be the last time Patrick Verona would talk to me again. 

He rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Why are you so-" 

"Difficult, annoying, frustrating" I helped him out. 

"So b*tchy" he finished. 

"It's my charm" I fake smiled. 

"Oh my gosh, now I see why no one wants to be your friend" he fired. 

I scoffed, "Please, I wouldn't want half of those idiots for friends anyways." I countered. 

I turned my back to him expecting him to leave. But he didn't instead he continued to argue. 

"You must have a sad and lonely life. How can you go through life with such an' I hate everyone and everything' attitude," he asked. 

"Oh I know my life sucks, I cry myself to sleep every night," I said sarcastically. 

"Look I'm trying to be your friend here. Can you at least try?" his voice was softer. 

"I don't need your friendship or whatever the h*ll your doing here" I turned back around. 

I hated him and his stupid face. Why did he think I needed friends or a boyfriend. I was fine on my own. I liked how my life was and I liked not having to worry about hurting people. If you didn't let anyone into your life, you couldn't hurt anyone. 

"Look Patrick if you thought that you were helping me out by trying to ask me on a date, your wrong. So why don't you go home to whatever the h*ll you live in and leave me alone." I sighed. 

"Why don't you just give people a chance. You know there are probably a lot of people you would like if you just gave them a chance," he stated. 

"Like who? You?" I laughed. 

"Patrick, I don't need you, or friends, or anyone. I like my life how it is. I like eating by myself at lunch every day. I like not having to worry about friends or hanging out with anyone. I like how everything is. And you are not just going to walk into my life and change things. I've given people chances and they've just hurt me in the end." 

" So that's it? You just don't want to get hurt? If you don't take risks you'll never get anywhere in life" he just wasn't going to give up on this. So I did what I do best and walked away. 

I walked past him and around to my front door. 

"Roxanne!" Pat shouted. 

I didn't listen and slammed the door shut. My car would have to wait till he left. Great know he knows where I live and will continue to harass me. 

I walked into the kitchen to clean my hands. Bianca sat in there eating a snack. I stuck my hands under the faucet and washed them. 

"So you told Patrick where to find me?" I asked her. 

"Yeah," she said slowly. 

"He asked me out the other day. Did you know that?" I looked at her. 

Her face lit up at the chance of her being able to go out with Joey. 

"No, what did you say" she smiled. 

"No" her face dropped. 

"Roxxy" she whined. "Why?" 

"Because. You know me, I don't date."  I dried my hands off. 

"Oh come on Roxxy. Give him a chance. You two seem like you would be the perfect couple. You know?" she said. 

"No, I don't. I'm not going out on a date with that boy." I tossed the towel down. 

She came over to me and grabbed my hands. She started to swing them around making whining noises. 

"Please Roxxy. Just one date, who knows you might like him." 

"I doubt that" I sighed. 

"Please" she cried. 

I stood there for a moment thinking.  'What could one date hurt?' plus it was only far to Bianca. Even though I didn't approve of her going out with Joey, I still felt like she somewhat deserved it. 

"Fine. One date, but if I hate him, never again." I gave in. 

She jumped into my arms and hugged me squealing. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you Roxxy" she giggled. 

"Yeah, yeah," I said. 

So now I just had to find Patrick and somehow tell him, ' Hey you know how I acted the other day? Yeah well, I was wrong and I would love to go out with you. Even though I told you to get lost. I think we would go great together.  Just wonderful. 

* I know this wasn't in the movie but I thought I should make a chapter kinda showing who Roxxy was and what she liked to do. I know this writing sucks but I'm trying. Thank you for reading.* 

How I Hate Thee-- Patrick VeronaWhere stories live. Discover now