Chapter Fifty Five

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Scream ✷ teen wolf

Scream ✷ teen wolf

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"You want me to do what?" Danny asked Stiles as he stood in front of him.

"Trace a text" Stiles said.

"I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do." Danny said.

"And we will, once you trace the text." Stiles said.

"And what makes you think I know how?" Danny asked.

"I-I looked up your arrest report, so..." Stiles trailed off.

"I-I was thirteen. They dropped the charges." Danny said.

"Whatever." Stiles said.

"No, we're doing lab work." Danny said.

"Oh, my..." Stiles sighed.

"Who's he again?" Danny asked referring to Derek who sat in a chair by Stiles's bed.

Stiles glanced back at Derek and said "Its my cousin... Miguel." Making Eve laugh and Derek to glare at her.

"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nose bleeds." Stiles said. "Hey, Miguel." Stiles turned to Derek who looked up at him an annoyed look on his face. "I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." Stiles motioned for Derek to go to his dresser, with his eyes.

Derek shut the book he was pretending to read, tossed it on the bed and stood up, walking to Stiles's dresser, taking his shirt off.

"So anyway, I mean, we both know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably-" Stiles was saying to Danny only for Derek interrupt him.

"Uh, Stiles?" Derek said.

"Yes" Stiles said turning around in his chair.

"This... no fit" Derek said holding on of Stiles's shirts.

"Then try something else on." Stiles said to Derek. "Sorry" he apologized to Danny, noticing that he was staring at Derek who was still shirtless. When Stiles looked at Danny, Danny looked away and an idea formed in Stiles's head. "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? Why do you think, Danny?" Stiles asked Danny.

"Huh?" Danny muttered.

"The shirt." Stiles said pointing to Derek who was wearing a blue and orange striped shirt.

"It's not really his color." Danny said.

"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you Danny boy?" Stiles said.

"You're a horrible person." Danny said.

"I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text." Stiles said.

"Stiles!" Derek shouted "none of these fit."

Stiles turned from Derek to look at Danny.

"I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text.

Scream ✷ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now