Chapter 3: Revelations

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 Chapter 3: Revelations


The evening of september 27th was the biggest day for media and press since the SAO accident in 2022.

The world where all the VRMMOs were now merged was called Unital Ring and was the headline on every newspaper and news channel in the gaming world.

[September 27th, Tokyo, Sinon's apartment 20:03]

As soon as she logged out of Unital Ring Sinon phoned her best friend Asuna to ask her if she and Kirito had gotten in the same world as her.

''Hi sinon, what's the matter?'' said Asuna as she answered the phone, ''did you and Kirito end up in another place while you were playing ALO?'' Asked Sinon, ''yes something happened we were in the log house when all of a sudden we started to fall towards a big forest'' said Asuna, ''then what happened?'' asked Sinon, ''then a giant ring appeared above us and a big part of it fell into the forest''said Asuna, ''then it's like I thought we landed near each other, a friend of mine was playing the game where the ring is from when all of this happened'' said Sinon.

The two girls went on telling each other what happend and then decided to meet at Dicey Cafe the next day.

[September 28th, Tokyo, Six and Kureha's apartment 14:17]

As Kureha got out of the shower and checked her phone she noticed a message from sinon telling her and her boyfriend to meet with her at Dicey Cafe, and that she gathered some friends to talk about what was happening with this Unital Ring.

After 30 minutes Six and Kureha were in front of the Dicey Cafe.

As they entered the Cafe they were greeted by the owner and SAO survivor Agil, the man took the two of them to Sinon's table.

There were two people with Sinon: one was a boy with blach hair and eyes and a girl with beautiful chestnut hair, the two were Kirito and Asuna, two of the top players of ALO and former SAO survivors,known as the black swordsman and the lightning flash.

''Hi everyone nice to meet you my name is Takamine Momiji and this is my boyfriend Remida Kazuma, we are Sinon's friends from GGO'' said Kureha as she introduced herself and her boyfriend to Sinon's friends, ''nice to meet you Takamine-san, Remida-kun, my name is Yuuki Asuna and this is my boyfriend Kirigaya Kazuto.'' said Asuna.

''I called you today to discuss what happened yesterday, as we all know something brought together all VRMMOs into one single VR world called Unital Ring, and as we noticed yesterday when you log out your avatar simply stands still and is vulnerable to attacks at all times, fortunately while i was exploring the forest I managed to meet Kureha and Six and we managed to get to a safe location from their game of origin were we could log out safely.'' said Sinon.

''Sorry to interrupt You Sinonon but which game are you from guys?'' asked Asuna.

''We are from a sci-fi game Called halo infinite, in the game our avatars are supersoldiers of the UNSC, the spartans, most of our equipment converted into the new game as well as out enemy the banished, when we got into the forest we saw a big portion of the ring falling inside it and one of their ships crash landed near the fragment, in no time they will conquer the forest'' said Six.

''What about the log-out how did you manage to get to safety?'' asked kirito, ''we got to one of the UNSC's FOBs they are safe locations protected by marine npcs and autocannons for AA defense, it's like a small bastion and from what i noticed when we took it back this game added an upgrade tab to buildings i didn't get into the details, what about you where did you log out?''asked Six to Kirito.

''Our log house from ALO came to this new world with us and now Alice and Yui are watching over our avatars'' answered Kirito, ''wait Alice?, the same AI from raths i worked with her.. How... nevermind, we shall meet inside the game and secure your log house if you can manage to send me a set of coordinates i can track a route to your log house'' said Six, ''sure thing now let's go back home and then we shall meet inside unital ring'' said Kirito.

With that the group thanked Agil and proceeded to get back to their respective homes.

[September 28th, Unital Ring, Zetiello Forest, 16:00]

Six, Kureha and Sinon logged back inside of Unital Ring and found themselves back at FOB Echo in the same place they left.

The three decided to get going toward the coordinates given to them by kirito AI ''daughter'' Yui.

[September 28th, Zetiello Forest, Kirito and Asuna log house, 16:30]

30 minutes had passed since they first logged in, kirito was trying to figure out how the building system worked in this game while Asuna and Alice were playing with Yui, their activities were suddenly interrupted when they heard Sinon's voice announcing her and their new friends, Kirito, Asuna, Alice and Yui moved to the front door to welcome their guests they were met by sinon flanked by two figures clad in futuristic power armor, as the two figures reached the house they took their helmets off revealing their avatar's faces.

''Hi everyone'' said Kureha, ''Kirito, Asuna, Alice'' said Six, hearing the man's voice Alice gasped ''Doctor Remida what are you doing here!'', ''the same as you, I was playing games with Kureha when I got teleported into this world'' said Six.

''Wait you know alice?'' asked kirito with a surprised look, ''we worked together on a project, i will tell you more when we properly secure your log house''replied Six.

Then he detached a small circular module from his belt and opened his TAC map in display mode showing a tri dimensional representation of Zetiello forest.

''This module right here is a UNSC beacon, it can convert every location into a UNSC FOB, you will receive a small squad of marines and a level one auto turret to protect the location, they are already en route'' said Six, ''Thanks, now we won't have to worry about getting killed while we are offline'' said Asuna.

As the group was talking about the game a loud noise and a pop up message appeared in their view.

SYSTEM WIDE BROADCAST INITIATED, with that the message was replaced by an audio spectrum, and a message played.

''The hour approaches, our forces occupy the ring, within hours it will be under our control.

The UNSC will burn, their brazen defiance will be all but a memory.


''Who was the one speaking? Was it a player?'' asked kirito perplexed, ''no it wasn't a player, that was Escharum, war chief of the Banished, he is the main villain of the game we are from, Halo infinite.


To be continued in Chapter 4: The Banished

AN: And done, you don't have any idea of how good of a feeling was completing this chapter.

I know it is on the short side but the next one will be much longer and will properly introduce the banished as the main enemy faction.

As for Six and Alice knowing each other it has to do with Six's job.

I will be free in the next two weeks because I just finished the Trimester at school so I can get a little time to write and gather some ideas, as always feel free to review and ask anything.

I will reply as soon as I can, thanks for reading Halo: Unital Ring.

SixSpartan signing out 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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