"Virgil would want something..." Logan spoke softly, calming himself down and examining everything around him. "He has a sweet tooth for dark chocolate, and if I get him a new hoodie he'd look so adorably happy, oh what if I get him a new eyeshadow palette?"

Janus laughed at their friend's freaking out over his husband. When together they acted like an old married couple but when alone Logan freaked out about Virgil like they were middle school crushes. It was utterly adorable. Logan was forgetting about one new member of his family he needed to account for though.

"And Patton? Your son?" Logan paused in his tracks and looked confused for a second before Janus corrected themselves. "Your foster son. He should get something too."

"Yes, of course." The man mumbled, looking at the nearby stalls again, he had no idea what any kids would enjoy. But out the corner of his eye he could see a crochet store – decorated in pastel greens, blues and pinks with everything made out of some kind of knitting. After eating Logan made his way over there. There were so many little toys and trinkets, all handmade with love.

"Ooh, you two have a little one at home?" A woman in a rainbow knitted jumper cheered, facing two men wearing pride flag pins (Logan gay, Janus non-binary and aromantic) – so the mistake was easy to make. Janus scoffed playfully, shaking their head and smirking at their friend so the shop keeper got the idea.

"My mate here has a new kid in the house – do you sell any teddies?" Janus spoke for Logan as he had no idea what to say, and the lady nodded. She explained there were many different animal plushies and listed at least 30 different animals from make believe ones like unicorns and dragons to animals Logan didn't believe kids would want teddies of like a dirty rat or spider. If Logan was a child at this moment he would have adored the unicorn to the moon and back – but Patton was most likely different. "Which would Pat like bud?"

Logan examined all the teddies, they were all soft and the same price so that wasn't a concern. It was a shame the toddler didn't have that many belongings – only around 5 t-shirts, two shorts, and three trousers – everything else was supplied by the council or Virgil and Logan's pockets. Most of his t-shirts had some kind of animal on them: dogs, cats, rabbits, frogs... That gave the answer then. At the front of the pile lay a small frog teddy about eight inches in length – big enough for the toddler to hug but not too big that it would get dirty while Patton runs with it.


The frog teddy fit into Logan's work case easily and by 3pm the businessman opened the front door of his house... To find it empty. "Star? Are you home?" He shouted across the living room. It was still silent. In days previous Logan would assume Virgil was upstairs in bed, working on his appointments and blasting Panic At The Disco through his headphones. Virgil was definitely not the type to leave the house without reason before they became parents; he was usually there for a greeting after Logan's hard day at work at least. Things would be different this time with a little excitable child at his husband's ankles. Maybe Virgil needed to go grocery shopping and took Patton – or the neighbours could have arranged an impromptu play date at the nearest park.

With one gaze into the garden Logan could finally see his soulmate – and the view he got was making him smile like an idiot. Virgil was laughing and cheering, louder than his husband usually saw, facing the toddler they were fostering who was running around after a ball. His trousers were covered in mud which meant either man had to do laundry yet again even though the article of clothing Patton was wearing was washed yesterday. That didn't matter though.

"'ogan's back!" Patton was the first to spot Logan at the sliding French doors, eventually arriving at the door after lots of excited swerves and reaching up for a hug. Fuck it, yes Patton was adorable even though he seemed a little annoying in the early morning. The toddler cuddled in when he was picked up and Virgil came closer for a kiss too.

"How was work sweet-jam?" Virgil spoke softly, his voice slightly raspy from all the shouting after the happy toddler and he seemed out of breath from chasing Patton around. It had been a long time since he had heard that beautiful raspy voice as Virgil usually preserved his voice during the day for his work. Patton seemed happy though and definitely not exhausted or sleepy – the happiness was all that needed to happen while he was here.

"It was good, how are you feeling today Patton? Does your head still hurt?" Logan brushed a hand through Patton's hair but fortunately he shook his head and his smile was wide. "That's great! What did you do today? Have you had your nap?" As Logan was talking he placed the toddler from his arms into the ground to reach into his business bag, but the toddler looked confused and he pouted and sniffled a little. "What's wrong buddy?"

The smile disappeared off the toddler's face quickly as he pouted and sniffled, tears arriving in his eyes and he seemed unsure of where to look. "I'm sorry..." The little boy whispered, immediately gathering the attention of the two men in the garden with him. But Virgil seemed to know what to do.

"There's no need to be sorry kiddo. Why are you sad?" Logan's loving husband spoke gently, standing directly in Patton's view with the soft smile Logan began to fall in love with years ago.

"Do you hate me?" The little boy faced the businessman foraging through his bag – looking even more desperate for affection now he was on the grass. He was scooped up by Virgil before he could fully cry though and clung to him like his life depended on it. The therapist really should note the clinginess down before Patton's next appointment with Emile. Virgil had no way to reassure the toddler apart from a repetition of 'of course we don't' as he watched his husband confused. Logan was being nothing less than adorable – he had a small smile on his face that Virgil recognised well but knowing the strict man's personality he was also trying to hide it. Eventually Patton quieted, also watching intrigued until Logan stood again with a small green fluffy toy. "What's that 'ogan?"

Logan smiled a devilish grin that Virgil wanted to kiss, but now wasn't the time. He was bonding with their foster son. "I got this frog at the market and I think it wants to play with you!" Yep, Logan couldn't get more adorable if he tried as he waved the frog's arms to taunt the toddler trying to reach out to it. When Virgil finally let Patton down he was overjoyed at the little toy Logan was holding as if he was holding the most precious thing in the universe.


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