I sat down in the rocking chair that was sitting next to the door and just started watching cars go by the street. This was all that i had to do today.

(Hayden's point of view)

I watched her walk into her small house and then i left. There was something about her that I liked. Maybe it was because she wasn't like most girls in this town or it was because she could defend herself? Maybe it was both..i didn't know.  I walked down the sidewak towards my house. The trees stood tall beside me. As i walked I saw a litlte kid playing with a stuffed animal and an old couple walking on other side of the side walk. This town was small and quiet. That's what I loved about it. But about twenty miles north was a huge city, full of tall buildings and the place where i went to school. 

As i walked towards my house, thinking about Alesia and how different she is and that i actually liked that about her, my cell phone started vibrating in my back jean pocket. I took it out of my back pocket and looked at the caller i.d. It was my friend Adam. I answered it.

"Hello?" i said.
"Hayden....we need you here now." he said with a worried sound.
"Where? What's wrong?" i asked.
"Nathan, Matthew, and I need to talk to you about something. At your house. It's an emergency." he said.
"I'll be right there." i replied hanging my phone up and putting it back into my back pocket.

Now, with us..we're different than most teenage boys. When some ordinary person would say it's an emergency they would show up like an hour later. When we said it's an emergency, we meant it. It was something life threatening to us or someone else. We were kind of the protectors of these two towns.  If someone gets hurt and we had known it was coming, we would feel so guilty for that person and end up doing something for them or their family. We were different in every way then most teenage boys. We were already mature and there was an explaination for that too.

I looked around to make sure that nobody had their focuse on me. When i was sure nobody was paying attention to me, I jumped into the woods and ran to the direction of my house.


I arrived there about five minutes later.  My dad, Nathan, Matthew, and Adam were all standing around the front porch. Everyone looked worried. Even my dad, and he was never worried. Something was seriously wrong.  My dad was leaning up against a pole that supported the roof. Nathan and Adam were standing in the grass and Matthew was leaning against my fathers black Nisson truck.

When they saw me, they all turned towards me looking so worried. What was going on? Something was terribly wrong. I could feel it.  That was something extra-special about us. We all know what each other has done before we tell each other. It was creepy. I'm pretty sure all of them already knew about Alesia. What was this meeting all about though? The last time we did this someone was about to get ganged by our enemies on the other side of the big city. Wait......could that be happening again?

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"You know that girl today that you saw kicking those old drunk dude's butts?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Those weren't just regular guys."  Adam added.
"You mean they are.." I trailed off.
"No, they are the father's of the new members of the pack." My dad answered.

"What about them?" I asked.
"Son, that girl, Alesia....you and her were destined to meet each other today. But another destiny has been brought to me." My father said.
"And?" I asked begging him to go on.
"Those men are cruel and have no heart. They have sent their son's pack after her. You and your pack were destined to protect her." My father finished.
"You mean that their coming for Alesia?" I asked to make everything clearly.
"Yes." Nathan answered for me.
"She can't take on all of them.....they're..," I said.
" I know..that's why you have to help her."  my father added.
"But i don't understand." I said completley confused.
"Look, You and Alesia have some kind of special connections. You have to protect her. Weither you enjoy it or not you do. If she was crying out in pain right now you would know it because it would be a feeling that would overpower you. Trust me, You may not understand now but you will when it happens. Just follow her. Keep an eye on her. Get close with her..all of you." My father explained. I took this as another job for me. Being the leader of these guys,  I was the one who had to most important jobs.  Another one was just added.

Those guys on the other side of the city, they were cruel and evil people and they hated us. They were terrible people and would do anything to make us mad or make us work.  They were horrible people and i hated those men more than anything else in this world.  They were not going to ruin Alesia's life. Especially when she had barely nothing to do with this stuff. Sure, she had beaten up three father's of the group but she had a very good reason. They were hitting on her and touching her. She had the right to do whatever she wanted to them. Most girls would have swung their ass to walk away so they would get all the attention. She kicked their asses instead of showing her's off.

Those men and us only had one thing in common. Although, they used that for an evil way. We didn't. The one thing we had in common was simple. Weird, supernatural, magical, and strange. We were all werewolves.

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