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George walked through the rows of graves. The dewy grass made the bottoms of his shoes shiny with water from the melted snow.

It wasn't sunny but the air was warm and the wind wasn't harsh. George looked to the tall stone with a rose carved at the top.

That was a little landmark to find his mothers grave. To the right towards the towering pine tree.

He didn't need to pass it but after years it was sort of an unofficial tradition. Katherine was sprawled out across the top.

He was sort of visiting her too. Even if he knew nothing other than her first and last name and the day she died.

George's moms grave wasn't so big and eye catching. Just a small placke melted in with the rest of them all.

His mother had been cremated so there was no fancy stone. Just a 9' 12' gray slab.

George perched like a bird in front of the placke and stared down at it. The light color of the granite was familiar.

"School sucked," George started, now looking up at the vast fields of organized stone.

"Mr. Henry is still an ass," he chuckled softly "just as much homework as usual,".

George stood back up and slid his backpack off his shoulders. He pulled out a bed sheet and sprawled it before his mother's stone. 

He sat back down and smoothed any bumps or flipped corners. Then, he sat his bag down beside him and reached for his science binder.

Pulling out the sheets of paper, he  laid down on his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows, writing his name at the top of the page.

"We're learning about asexual reproduction," George rolled his eyes, "Thrilling, I know,".

Sometimes it really felt like George's mother was sitting there with him while he did homework or read or watched stupid movies on his computer.

Sometimes he would put the news on his phone and watch it. His mother loved watching the news before she cooked. George didn't understand why.

George looked around and sighed in relief. There were no burial services this afternoon. Those were always so hard to watch.

He spent hours on homework, falling down YouTube rabbit holes, and ranting about his least favorite classes.

The sun was setting and George was procrastinating his leave. But eventually he packed up his stuff and rolled up his sheet, shoving it in his bag.

George bends down like he had when he first arrived and pressed a soft kiss to his hand, pressing it to his mother's grave a moment after.

"Bye," George smiled and started walking to Kathrines grave. It wasn't necessary but whatever. So he waved to the stone on his way out.

Yes, George had a reputation. Not just at the cemetery but also at school.

The mental guy who was still stuck on his mother's death. George would disagree. He wasn't stuck, but he appreciated his mother's company, real or not.

But that was just at school. The people at the cemetery were quite nice to him.

The owner had talked to him many times, they were on a first name basis. And there was Amanda.

He's never met or seen Amanda but she always leaves notes on the grave to the one right of his mother's. The sweetest poems.

As he stepped out of the dramatic cemetery archway, he paid no mind to the house beside him.

It was gray and brown, the siding was barely holding on and the porch light died a year ago.

But there was a light on in the first level. That was weird. George knew who lived in the top apartment but he thought the bottom one was empty.

But a light was clearly on. George hesitated before walking down the thin path and walked up the deck steps. They squeaked like a dying mouse.

George cringed at the sound but continued. He moved his face to look into the window.

He saw someone moving inside and strained his eyes to see. He left George's vision and a new person came in.

He made direct eye contact and the odd man immediately moved towards the window.

George widened his eyes and took a step back from the window.

The man made a show of grabbing the string of the shutters and yanking it down, taking them with him.

Light still shone through but he couldn't see inside. George froze before jogging down the deck and hurrying to reach the sidewalk.

George was creeped out. That was weird. And usually George is told about stuff like this. Those granny's who visit their husbands really talk.

But more than anything, he was embarrassed. He wondered on someone else's property and started staring through the window.

George thought that if someone saw him, he could just introduce himself as a regular at the cemetery.

Instead, he was met with a rude man and left a terrible first impression.

George walked the rest of the way home with red cheeks, drowning in his own embarrassment.


Lmaooooo pls follow mah lil candies 🍬🍬🍬

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