Falling For A 16 Year Old

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You said you were 18 when Abel asked your age that night after you hit it off after his concert because you just wanted a chance, you didn't want him to cast you away just because you were underage.

But now here you were, 4 months into your relationship and you knew you had to tell him. He needed to know before he slept with you, because you knew that would happen soon.

You hadn't seen him much, him having to be on tour. You'd lied and said you had to work and couldn't join him but really you were finishing up classes.

He was off tour soon and you were on break so you were flying out to his home in LA to spend a few weeks with him before you had to go home for 'work' again.

You knew you had to tell him and tell him as soon as you got there. You knew if you waited to tell him you would get so wrapped up in him that you'd decide not to.

He deserved to know, especially before the two of you had sex for the first time. He had been hinting that it would happen during this visit together. You were excited and wanted to, you really wanted to, but not until he knew the truth.

"Oh, I've missed you." He mumbles into your neck as you stand in the front entry of his house. You hadn't really had a moment together at the airport, not wanting the paparazzi that were stalking Abel to see.

He holds you tightly in his arms now, his face buried in your skin as he hugs you. You grin, so happy to be back in his arms. You had missed him so much.

"Missed you too, Abe." You respond, your arms equally as tight around him. You were so afraid that after you told him the truth he wouldn't want to be with you anymore.

You were underage after all. What would his fans and the media make of this if they were to ever find out how young you were? You really didn't want to lose him but you hated lying to him.

"The guys wanted to go out for drinks tonight but I told him we couldn't make it. Not only are you not legally able to drink in the United States but I wanted you all to myself tonight."

He pulls back to tell you, a small smirk on his perfect pink lips. He runs his fingers down your cheek, leaning down to press his lips to yours.

You knew you had to tell him now before his kiss got any more intense. You knew if you didn't stop him now you wouldn't stop him at all.

"I need to talk to you, Abel." You pull away, managing to blurt it out. He looks down at you, frowning.

"Is everything alright, love?" He questions you, getting a sigh in return.

"I'm hoping it will be." You answer, looking away from him.

"Okay..." He responds quietly getting very worried. "Shall we go sit?" He gestures towards his living room, making you nod.

You allow him to take your hand and pull you into the room and over to the large couch. You both sit down, you biting at your lip nervously. "I'm worried. Should I be worried?" Abel questions nervously.

"I lied to you, Abel." You wanted to just rip off the bandage, get it over with. You didn't want to beat around the bush and delay this.

You look up into his confused and concerned brown eyes. A deep crease forms between his eyebrows as he frowns.

"Lied to me about what, love?" He questions softly, slightly afraid of the answer. His mind was running wild, going through an entire long list of things you could be about to say. He was terrified of them all.

"I'm not 18." You start. "I'm only 16. I mean... I'm almost 17 but right now.. I'm only 16." There, you'd said it. You'd gotten it out.

He knew the truth and now you could do nothing but wait for him to respond. He could kick you out right here and you would be stranded in LA by yourself but at least he would know the truth. You look at him as he continues to frown, taking this in.

"Oh." He finally manages to get out. "I don't know how to think about this." He says, making you nod. You look down at your hands, picking at your nails.

"I understand if you want me to leave. I shouldn't have lied to you, I'm sorry." You try to hold back the tears as you stand up, ready to head for the door but his large ringed hand on your arm stops you, pulling you back down to sit beside him once more.

"I don't want you to leave, I don't want you to leave at all. That's the last thing I want." He tells you, still gripping at your arm.

"Are you sure?" You question, wanting to make sure he really meant that. "I understand if you're freaked out." He finally cracks a small smile, running his hand comfortingly up and down your arm.

"Am I completely blown away that you're only 16? Yes. Does it concern me a bit? Yeah. Does that change the way I feel about you? Absolutely not." You actually let out a breath of relief at his words.

"Really?" You whisper. He smiles and nods. He slides his fingers down your arm lacing his fingers through yours, gripping at your hand tightly.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth to begin with." You say. "I just.. I didn't want you to turn me away just for that. I wanted a chance." He smiles and nods.

"Love, I get that but what you need to understand is that it's going to take a lot more than your age to get me to not want to be with you. I'm crazy about you. Haven't you noticed?"

You honestly couldn't keep the smile off of your face at this point. You look back at the insanely handsome face before you - those gorgeous brown eyes and can't help but thank whatever power above there was for bringing this man into your life.

"I love you, Abel. I was so afraid to lose you because of this." You confess. You and Abel had never said you loved one another but this moment felt perfect to finally let it out. His smile didn't falter at all and his grip stayed strong on your hand.

"I love you too, completely. I'm not going anywhere." He assures you. He brings his free hand up to your cheek, sliding his hand into your hair as he presses his lips to yours. "Thank you for being honest with me." He pulls back a bit to say.

"Thank you for still loving me." And you meant that. You were so thankful that he still wanted to be with you and that his feelings for you didn't change.

"So, now that that is out of the way, shall we start our amazing visit together?" He questions, getting a grin and a nod in response. "I was thinking a nice romantic dinner for two here at home was a nice way to start."

"That sounds absolutely perfect." You tell him. "Anything we do together sounds perfect though, honestly." He gives a small laugh, nodding.

"I couldn't agree more." He mutters this quietly, his voice low and gravely as he presses his lips back to yours. His words made your heart race and you knew that this visit with Abel was going to probably be the best few weeks of your life.

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