You're The Only One (fight/cute)

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You had met Abel through Drake. And honestly, sometimes, you think he forgot that.

That before you and him, it had been you and Drake.

"He's my best friend!"

"You're always with him!"

A huff slips past your lips, dropping your purse unceremoniously onto the counter before slumping against it, arms crossed tightly over your chest.

"You're being ridiculous," you snap, catching Abel's gaze as he whirls around to face, as if appalled by your accusation.

"You do realize that right?"

"You spent the entire night with him," Abel explains, as if that was reason enough to act the way he was acting.

Shaking your head, you throw your hands up in frustration.

"His knee was killing him," you remind, recalling the way Drake had practically had to cling onto you for most of the event given the sharp pain that would radiate his entire leg every time he made even the simplest of movements.

The other boys (just the xo team) had offered to help multiple of times, but Drake had been persistent on you helping him – which, in hindsight, probably further amplifyed his anger and jealousy.


"So," you huff, "he needed my help."

"The other boys offered there help."

Pursing your lips, you inwardly curse (of course he was going to bring that up). "He wanted..." you hesitate, pausing a moment. "He only wanted my help."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Abel shakes his head; "that much is clear."

"Abel," you call, your voice turning pleading as you try to desperately defuse the tension.

You were tired of the fighting which had been going on since the two of you had left the event.

It had already been an incredibly long night, and you just wanted to slip into something more comfortable and pass out.

But you couldn't sleep knowing Abel was upset with you. "I know you're upset, but–"

"But, nothing." He interrupts sharply, causing you to blink in surprise.

"It's not just tonight. It's been like this since we first started dating."

Shoulders slumping in exhaustion, you sigh; "he's my best friend..." You whisper, feeling your eyes water in desperation as you try to reason with your boyfriend and get him to see sense.

"We've been friends for years, like, sense we were babies... And i'm so grateful that we are, but you wanna know why i'm really happy?"

Abel hesitates a moment, eyes flickering from his feet to slowly glance up and meet your own.

He quirks a brow, and you let a small, teary-eyed smile curl onto your lips.

"I'm happy because being Drake's friend all these years let me meet you," you whisper,

"And you make me the happiest person in the world."

Abel is silent a moment.

He doesn't say anything at first. He lets what you've said process and then his tense shoulders are easing and he pushes off the counter adjacent to you.

He reaches you quickly, hands sliding around your waist as he presses his hips against your own and never tears his gaze away from you.

"I'm sorry I ruined the night," He mumbles into your neck. "I just wanted to spend it with you."

"I know," you nod, sliding your hands up to his shoulders and squeezing them softly.

"But i'm here now and right now, all I really wanna do is get out of this dress and cuddle."

A small, cheesy grin curls onto Abel's lips and he lets out a low chuckle; "that sounds perfect."

Hope you likes it


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