Car Accident (part2/2)

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It had been three hours since Abel had arrived at the hospital, and yet he still sat alone in the waiting room.

Abel had tried countless times to call your parents and his own, to no avail.

Everyone was sleeping right through his calls.

If he was being honest, he was glad no one had answered yet because he had no idea what he would say to them.

Y/N's only here because I drank too much and didn't react fast enough.

Because I thought it would be too much hassle to catch a cab.

The driver of the car they had collided with had died upon impact.

Apparently, his airbags were faulty and he'd smashed his skull right into the steering wheel.

Abel tried not to think that he deserved it, Abel didn't like to judge people when he didn't know the full story.

Yes, the driver had been completely intoxicated, far more than Abel was.

But he didn't know anything about this guy, maybe something terrible had happened to him that caused him to get that drunk.

Despite his best efforts, in that moment, he thought about how much that driver deserved it.

He couldn't help it. He knew no one deserved to die.

But while Abel didn't know whether you were going to live or die, the love of his life, he couldn't help but wish the worst on that man.

In the time he had been there, Abel had received treatment for his minor injuries.

All he was left with was a mild concussion and some bruised ribs.

"You were really lucky," the nurse who treated him said.

"My fiancee could die today. I don't feel too fucking lucky."

Normally Abel would never speak that way, especially to someone he didn't know.

But the stupidity of that statement coming from a nurse who should have known better sent Abel over the edge.

He had stormed into the waiting room, where he had been sitting ever since.

He didn't dare go and get himself food or coffee, for fear of missing an update from your doctor or nurses.

Abel was awoken from his daze by the familiar sound of his mother calling his name.

"Abel!" Samra called as she entered the waiting room. Abel stood, and within an instant, his mother had wrapped him up in a bone-crushing hug.

With a glance at the clock on the wall, Abel noticed it was now 6 am.

"Are you okay?" Abel only nodded in response.

"Abel, what happened?" his mother asked, now holding him at arm's length.

Her eyes were filled with concern as she took in the bruise on the left side of Abel's forehead.

"It's all my fault," he tried to fight the tears he knew were coming.

"I should have known I shouldn't have been driving. I didn't react fast enough. I should have turned the other so my car got hit. I should have-"

Abel was cut off by his own quickened breathing, and he quickly deteriorated into a panic attack.

The more he tried to breathe, the harder he found it to do so.

The tears he had been keeping at bay spilled down his face and he fell to his knees.

Samra sank to the floor with him and rubbed his back soothingly.

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