Chapter 4 (Accidentally)

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Dianna's POV
After the fight we had yesterday with my grandparent's slaves or should I say workers we were instantly send to our rooms. I know I've been rude but If you're on my situation and that happens to you would do the same right? It's not my intention to hurt anyone but I guess I just got a bad day yesterday and trust me I feel so awful right now. Guilt is rushing through my vein and I feel so sorry for them. They are working instead of studying no one deserves that but that is their destiny and they have no other choice. No one wants to work in the farm all day long instead of studying in a nice school. I shouldn't be rude! I should go and ask for an apology it's the least thing that I can do for them. I went out of bed and headed to the bathroom
"Woahh no water?!  How can I ever survive in here? No signal , no internet!" I let out a sigh then decided to ask my  grandparents about the water. I went downstairs and saw them on the kitchen preparing breakfast.
"Good morning Sweetheart" Grandma greeted me.
" Good morning honey" grandpa greeted me too.
" umm good morning...I just wanna ask about the shower, it's not working "
" ohh sorry about that dear.. We've already called someone to repair it but I guess it will take too long for him to arrive so I'll just let Harry bring you water so that you can have a nice bath." Grandma replied
" Why don't you call your sisters and have a breakfast first before taking a bath. " grandpa suggested. I nod then went upstairs to wake them up.
I knock on Danielle's door first
"Come in"
" hey good morning breakfasts ready."
" Hey Dianna is your shower working?" She asked
"Unfortunately no but you don't have to worry grandma is sending someone to go get us some water so that we can take a nice bath"
" OK let's go "
" You go down first I'll call the others"
After I went to Perrie's room.
"Knock knock"
"Come in"
"Breakfast is ready"
" I've got a problem with my..."
"Yeah how did you know?"
"Well you,Danielle and I have the same problem actually but we don't need to worry"
"OK " perrie replied then went downstairs.
I then went to Eleanor's room
"Knock knock"
"Come in"
As I went in I saw Eleanor drawing something on her drawing notebook. You thought only toddlers have it right but unfortunately my big sister have it too.
"What are you doing"
"Drawing Hawaii "
"Still can't move on?"
"You know me..I've got problems of letting go " she laughed
"Hey are you thinking about William again?" I asked. William is my sister's first love and her first boyfriend. Her asshole boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend. How awful... that's the reason why I never wanted to put myself in a relationship cause I know I'll end up getting hurt.
" I can't forget him. "
"Here we go again big sis...Stop thinking about him he's happy now so you should too."
"Alright fine"
" by the way breakfast is ready"
" k I'll be there in a minute"
Finally I'm here in Demi's room
"Knock knock"
No one answered.
"Knock knock"
Still no one answered
Don't tell me she's still sleeping?! I went in and I'm right she's sleeping .
"Wake up Demi the sun has risen"
"5 more minutes "
"Uhh no ...not again you always say that come on..."
"Fine" she grumbled then went up
"At last"
" But I'm gonna shower first"
"You can't take a shower cause there's no water but we don't have to worry about that" I assured her
"Ughh come on" she replied then drag me with her downstairs. 

When we reached downstairs I saw my sisters together with my grandparents and their workers sitting on the table. 

" At last we can eat now! I'm starving." Grandpa said then fill his plate. We all laughed, I and that curly boy's eyes meet. I gave him a smile but he did not returned it. Maybe we've pissed them so hard yesterday. After breakfast we helped our grandparents in cleaning the table before proceeding back to our rooms. The weather is really hot and I feel so uncomfortable. I really wanted to take a shower so bad. A knock on the door caused me to jump.

" Come in" 

" Here is your water! " the curly haired guy said rudely.

" Thanks!" I replied. I followed him as he went to the bathroom. He poured the water into the barrel then went out.

Yesss!!! I can finally take a bath. I stripped all of my clothes off then filled the tub with water before jumping in. Ahh it feels so good. I washed my body then shampooed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed my bath.


After delivering water to those witches. I can finally have my siesta. I suddenly realized that I left my phone into one of the girls room. I hurriedly went upstairs to find my phone. I went to the youngest witch room cause I am really sure that I left it there. I knocked on the door a couple of time but no one answered so I decided to make my way inside. I searched for my phone everywhere but I couldn't find it. Oh It must be in the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door without knocking cause I thought that the witch is not there but I guess I am so wrong.  

I saw her almost naked in the tub. The bubbles covering her lower half but her upper half in full view. She is closing her eyes. I swear to God! Its is not my intention! I did not mean to! I hurriedly closed the door then went outside of the room.


I hurriedly opened my eyes when I heard the bathroom door closed.

" Whose that?" I asked but no one answered.

I hurriedly went out of the tub then wrap the towel around my body. When I opened the bathroom door I saw no one inside of my room, everything is in place. What if someone went in and saw me almost naked on the tub? Maybe I'm just hallucinating things. Lesson learned always make sure bathroom door is locked. I shrugged the idea off my mind then continued to take a bath this time making sure that both doors are locked.


I can't stop myself from thinking about what I saw earlier. It is on my mind and I can't forget what her body looked like. She looked so damn hot!

" Ugh stop it Harry! Stop being a pervert! " I slapped myself continuously hoping that what I saw would go off my mind. 

This will surely be awkward! Really really awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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