Chapter 9, Hospital

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As I opened the door, I heard the bed creak loudly. I look back slowly and see Mercury staring up at me sitting up.

"You're..awake...?..?" I walked towards them as they looked at their hands. "How long have I been here.." They look around at their surroundings. "A couple of weeks...Vix should be back by now." Mercury was fidgeting, "Are you cold?" I asked them but they shook their head no. "I wasn't expecting to sleep this long, did anything happen?" Mercury removes the blanket from their body. I hesitated but didn't say anything. "TELL ME!" Mercury yelled at me, I felt scared. "I don't know how to tell you this..." I said while backing away. Mercury yanks off the cords off their body. They grab me by the arm and threw me to the wall.

"If you don't tell me..I'LL RIP YOUR ARM OFF!!" Mercury grinned, "Alright, Alright..calm down.." I said while breaking myself free. Mercury was desperate for an answer. I sighed, and started to explain to them.


It went silent, Mercury went to sit on the hospital bed. "'s Mono doing?" They asked. "Mono seems to be doing fine physically, but they aren't doing so well mentally.." I sat right next to them. "When Vix comes back..I'll talk to them." Mercury smiles.

"Sorry for threatening you earlier, I was really worried." Mercury seemed like they calmed down already. "That's okay! I'll go now to check on Mono." I got up and left. I waved them goodbye, and they waved back.

—Mercury's POV—

I sat there for a while waiting until I heard the door open. Vix just stands there surprised, "Hey.." I waved at them. Vix runs towards me in tears and hugs me. "I'm glad that you're awake and okay!" They kiss me on the head, smiling. "I'm glad to see you too!" I hug them back.

"I can't wait to take you home! I missed you.." Vix continued to hug me, "Seeing you again..makes me feel relieved." Vix kissed me on the forehead again. "I think I'm fine..We can go right now!" I grab their hand and walked out of the room.

  "Vix! You're back!" Doctor Kai walks by, " it okay for Mercury to go home right now?" Vix asked them. "Yeah I think it's fine, but come back in 2 weeks so I can remove the bandage!" Doctor Kai said while walking away.

"I'll be right back.." I walked away and followed Doctor Kai. "Alright..I'll be waiting outside." Vix waves. I nodded at them and continued my way. "Doctor Kai! Where is Mono's room?" I asked and turned. "Right there." They pointed behind me, "Thank you!" I walked in and saw Mono staring off at their hands.

"Mono?" I said and their body twitched "Mercury..?..Mercury!" They reached their arms towards me for a hug. I hugged them, "I'm glad to see you awake.." I stared at their dead eyes, "I'm glad to see you again." I said while letting go of them. "You wanted to go check on me? Are you going home?" Mono asked. I nodded, "Yeah..I'm going home. But I'll visit next time!" I sat right next to them. "How are you feeling?" I asked them with a smile. "I feel pretty sore at the moment..I guess Kai told you about it.." Mono chuckles. "Yeah.."

It went silent and I got up, "I'll see you later!" I waved Mono goodbye and they waved back. I leave and closed the door. I walk to the front door to see Vix waiting for me. "Ready to go?" Vix grabs my hand, "Yup!" We both start walking together.

"Vix I have a question.." I got the courage to ask them about it. They stopped walking, "Yeah?" Vix looked back at me. They weren't smiling anymore. "What drove you into hurting Mono, Doctor Kai, and then..yourself...Kai told me about it.." I said while pulling their arm.

"To be honest...I don't know."

Vix had a slight smile, "I don't understand why..It was a weird urge, I couldn't handle it."

There was a small pause, I noticed Vix did some deep breaths -

They chuckled, "I could've killed all of them earlier damn it.." Vix got angry and I slapped them. Vix rubbed their cheek, "Don't..They're good people, and I don't want to see them die.." I crossed my arms.

Vix looks away from me, "I kinda do regret it, I really mean it. I don't know what got into my head. Probably because you weren't around. Or I had a weird episode..maybe again." Vix looks back at me smiling, but then to a frown. I walked up to Vix and gave them a hug from behind, "I'll forgive you."

"Really..huh?..glad to know.." Vix looks from behind and grasps my hands. "Let's go home now shall we?" They start walking with me. "Yeah!" I said and hugged their arm.

"I'm home!" Vix closed the door behind them. It was nice being home for once. I sat on the couch and relaxed, "Feeling great!" I slouched and dozed off. "Mercury?" A familiar voice calls from behind, I looked back and it was Lilith. I felt scared as I got up, "Don't freak out! I just wanted to say I'm sorry.." It went silent and I calmed down.

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you, something got to me. I let my reckless self go..or should I say my true self.." Lilith crossed their arms, they seemed nervous. "It's okay..I'll forgive you.." I smiled at them, "Thank goodness..I've been waiting for this moment.." Lilith chuckles. Arcane walked in waving, and I waved at them back.

"Ah! We still have some time for lunch..I can make something since Mercury's back!" Lilith runs to the kitchen. "Ooh!! Can't wait! I'll help!" I go to the kitchen with them and so does everyone else.

We had Lilith's amazing pasta for lunch, it was delicious and memorable...

Mercury (And The Chaos In Their Life) Part 5Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz