Chapter 26

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Estella and I gathered everyone up, we all sat in my room after they were finally convinced that a sleepover was a good idea.

All the girls were talking, meanwhile I was setting up different sleeping bags and pillows along the floor and putting out snacks.

"We should do Camilo's makeup." Mirabel was talking to Isabela, who nodded quick in response.

"Guys no please last time it was a wreck-" I walked over to them and just started babbling on and on about how we should leave my face alone.

Whenever they mess with my face I end up looking like a three year old who snuck into their moms makeup drawer.

Usually they try some crazy eyeshadow or put way too much blush on me, they've been doing it for as long as I can remember. I'm like their practice dummy.

"Camilo shush you're talking too fast nobody can understand you." Dolores was cupping her ears to cover them.

"Sorry. Please don't do my makeup." I began to walk away again to let them do their girl stuff, whatever that is I'm sure I didn't want to know.

"Mirabel do you have any extra clothes I can sleep-" Estella started but I was quick to cut her off.

"Oh! You can just borrow something of mine if you'd like." I turned around and realized I probably sounded a bit too eager.

"Alright! Thank you." She smiled and nodded her head.

I walked away and heard them all giggling and whispering before Mirabel finally made an announcement.

"Lets play truth or dare!" 

"Why not?" I shrugged and sat down on the floor, everyone else agreed and sat down as well.

Estella was next to me, she rested her head on my arm and I offered my hand, she took it.

"Okay! Isabela, truth or dare." Mirabel was facing her sister, who answered "truth."

"Did you like Mariano at all? " As Mirabel spoke both Dolores and Isabela got pink.

"No. No I did not." Isabela flicked her wrist and a flower sprung into Mirabel's mouth, she rolled her eyes and Estella laughed.

We went around the circle, giving each person dares or getting them to spill their secrets.

"Excuse me Mr.Madrigal, I want to change, can I go steal your clothes now?" Estella looked up at me and I scoffed at the name she used for me.

"Yes Ms.Alvarez, go ahead, take whatever you can find that will fit." I let go of her hand and she stood up.

After going through my closet for about five minutes she went into the bathroom to change.

"Camilo, truth or dare." Mirabel was looking at me with a smirk, which shouldn't have been as terrifying as it was.

"Dare." I sat up and crossed my legs, nervous for what was coming for me.

"I dare you to kiss Estella when she gets back." She crossed her arms and I simply forgot to breathe for at least ten seconds.

"Wh- How- What? Why? We've never kissed like, just randomly? I'd feel bad doing it without her permission, it's not like we're dating." I finally brought myself to words, although nothing seemed to be coming out right.

mi chica linda // camilo x ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora