Chapter 4

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Camilos pov:

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm going around town helping one who needs help or cheering up anyone who needs cheering. Saturdays and Sundays are usually my off days, but sometimes I just like to help out anyway. Tomorrow I had made plans to take an actual off day. 

I was going to spend some time walking around in the woods but most importantly I was going to sleep a full 12 hours. OH and I had been secretly stashing some of my tias arepas for the past week or so, I was going to be snacking on them all day. I was originally just going to stay in my room all day practicing guitar or doodling in my journal, I have one specifically dedicated to doodles.

 After babysitting last night though I thought about how Estella said the woods was peaceful, and that was just what I needed so I decided I'd try to walk around in there for a bit! 

Anyway, I just finished getting a ball off of the roof of some restaurant for these little kids when I noticed that Estella was walking in front of me with her brother. I shout her name and she turns around, I walk up to get next to her and all 3 of us keep walking along. 

"So tomorrow is one of my off days and I wanna walk around in the woods, you made it sound nice so I wanted to try. Any advice?" I ask her with a smile, "Bug spray, and lots. Theres a really pretty trail that has some beautiful trees, it looks very overgrown and mystical. You know where our well is right? Not the one in the town centre but the one about a half a mile from your house that's further out in the plains. Basically if you find that and face the mountains and keep straight you'll find the path, it has a big sign that literally just says "WOOD TRAIL" so keep an eye out." she replied. "Wow thanks!" I smile and then wave bye, she does the same. I continue on throughout the town doing any tasks and helping people for about an hour or two. 

Once I get back home I start walking up the stairs before hearing "CAMIIILLLLOOOOOOOO", I sigh knowing exactly who it was, I turn around and give a kind of awkward smile. It was this girl Ma'fer, her full name being Maria Fernanda but she just went by Ma'fer or just Fer. Her and Mirabel had been friends for a while. She was like obsessed with me or something cause every time she saw me she'd yell out my name like some whiny baby crying for its mommy. 

She still had braces and she had this blonde-ish medium length hair, there was always this annoying smirk look on her face. I try to quickly turn around before she can say anything, I make it into my room and the door is almost closed as I hear her shout "HOW ARE YOU?" luckily I close my door before she can finish. I take off my shoes and leave them next to my bed, which was on a large stage.

 My whole room just looked like a big theatre which was nice because when I play guitar I can pretend I have an audience, I know its silly but its nice. Although I cant change my whole room the same way I can change my body I can at least change the stage, Ive had it decorated with a bunch of mirrors recently. My bed is In the corner, my wardrobe was next to the end of my bed so they would touch. There were curtains next to my bed and they led to my bathroom, I mean of course I had a door to the bathroom so I guess it the curtains led to a door that lead to the bathroom. 

Well anyway, I flopped down on my back and stared up at the ceiling which looked like outer space. It was constantly moving and changing, only the ceiling of the stage did that while the rest of the room was a normal theatre.

 When I was younger, maybe like ten? I'd beg Mirabel and Dolores to have little plays with me, I'd clear out my whole wardrobe and Mirabel would sew costumes for both her and Dolores and so they would put them in the wardrobe like "professionals". I didn't need costumes as I could shape shift into the characters that I would be playing.

 Staring at the ceiling I was imagining what the woods might look like tomorrow, I was excited to see it since Estella made it sound so pretty. 

Eventually I start to doze off still in my clothes, it was still only late afternoon, maybe early night but I guess I was just super tired, I dream about the woods and all the arepas I would soon be eating. This was true peace, at least until *BANG BANG BANG* I wake up startled and get out of bed and run to the door, I open it and its mi mami. 


 "Dios mio mama please stop yelling I had a long day and I accidentally fell asleep chill out..." I walk out the door and downstairs to the dinner table with her trailing behind still yelling at me but this time for "attitude" saying things like

 "HEY give me any more attitude and I will kick you out of this home!" "Antonio would NEVER act like this!" she was slowly getting me closer and closer to tears, all I did was fall asleep, she was never really like this before about a month ago when la casita broke, but now she's always moody, and the big winner, "Dios! Estupido niño." (god! stupid kid) That was the one that pissed me off, tears started coming out of my eyes and I just kept my head down but we had just made it to the dining room when I finally turned around and yelled "AY DIOS MIO, CALLATE!" (oh my god shut up) I immediately knew I was screwed so I just stood there staring at her and crying. 

Nobody really knew what to say but eventually she started, "Cami-" I couldn't tell if she was about to yell or if she felt bad but before she could even finish my name I ran off fast wiping the tears off my cheeks and slamming the door to my room then locking myself in my bathroom. It started to rain and thunder very hard outside, I sighed knowing it was my fault. I heard knocks at my bedroom door multiple times, and once Dolores knocked on my bathroom door asking for me to come out but my silence was enough for her to just walk away and give me space. I never wanted to leave that bathroom. I was embarrassed. I sit on the floor facing my shower fidgeting with my thumbs, I stayed there for what felt like hours when eventually I got tired but didn't want to sleep as that was what got me here in the first place. I did end up laying on the floor for a while though, god everyone probably hated me.

mi chica linda // camilo x ocWhere stories live. Discover now